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每个人都喜欢我们的总汇沙拉。Everyone likes our combination salad.

历史是人类经历的总汇。History is a reservoir of human experience.

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你见到那家本地新开的家具总汇的广告了吗?Have you seen that circular from the new furniture centre?

第二个部份则是零散密法的总汇。The second part was the collection of scattered Tantric teachings.

可能因为春天是一切是世界美的融合,一切色彩的总汇!Probably because of spring is all is the world beauty fusion, all colorific club!

阳光上东二手房租售、新房销售信息总汇。Upper East Side general source of information of the second-hand and new home rent and sales.

我们这有牛肉、火腿、培根、鸡肉、起司、鲔鱼以及总汇口味。那您喜好哪一种?We have beef, ham, bacon, chicken, cheese, salami , and club. What kind of hamburger would you prefer?

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制作总汇沙拉可在15到20分钟内完成,如果刀工不错,制作蔬菜为主的菜肴就会迅速而简单。You can make a chopped salad in 15 or 20 minutes, practicing knife skills and producing a vegetable-heavy dish quickly and easily.

广岛总汇酒店属于高级酒店之一,地理位置理想,再加上附近便有广岛地铁站,交通十分方便。A complete high-grade city hotel facilitated in an ideal location directly connected to the Shinkansen Line's JR Hiroshima Station.

我们是上汽集团零部件总汇下属汽车装潢美容中心,德国大众车系专用附件中国总代理。SAIC is a general source of spare parts under the car and decorating Beauty Shop, Volkswagen car of the special annex Distributed in China.

广州市裕隆汽车滤清器总汇位于广州市广园东路,主营肯高滤清器、马牌滤清器、肯高尼龙扎带、埃尔夫机油。Guangzhou yulong automobile filter company located in guangzhou city wide garden east road, the main kenko filter, filter, totalfinaeif oil.

超额的战略防御和国土安全开支将会如实记录在今年10月由财政部公布的财政支出总汇中。An overdue strategic defence and security review will in truth be inseparable from the Treasury-led spending review, due to be published in October.

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“公正是一切德性的总汇”是亚里士多德的至理名言,明确而深刻地表述了公正在道德体系中的地位。That justice is confluence of all virtues is a wisdom saying of Aristotle, which expresses the importance of justice in moral system clearly and deeply.

银座区的商业因世界百货总汇而闻名,这三个区是繁华东京的缩影。Silver the business of the area be known for because of general merchandise concourse in the world, these three areas are prosperous Tokyo to miniatured.

知性女人性感内衣总汇为您提供每天15小时人工服务,帮您选购喜欢的款式。Sense woman interesting aspect underwear the concourse provides everyday 15 hourses for you and the artificial serve and make choice of purchase a favorite style for you.

经上海市技术监督局市场抽查,外滩啤酒总汇的“菲斯特啤酒坊”质量连续十年在全上海名列前茅。According to the selective examinations by Shanghai Association Of Technology Inspection, the beer of The Fest Brew House has been among the bests for ten years in Shanghai.

重庆正邦成套食品机械总汇隶属于山东正邦大豆机械厂,为山东正邦大豆机械厂在重庆的常驻办事处。Chongqing Masakuni Complete Food Machinery Center affiliated Machinery Factory Shandong Masakuni soybeans, soybean Machinery Factory Shandong Masakuni permanent office in Chongqing.

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刘华才博士指出,该汇报会是教育部针对今年度大学预科班录取情况所作出的总汇,并向国阵各成员党汇报的会议。Dr Dominic said, the purpose of having the above briefing is to report to all component parties of Barisan Nasional on the summary of this year's matriculation class enrolment status.

配有商务中心,各类精品购物店,哈尼风味城、停车场、休闲康体项目、千色美容美足总汇、温馨美容美发等。A business centre, all kinds of high-quality goods shopping stores, haney flavor city, parking lot, leisure sports items, thousands still, warm color beauty advantage hairdressing, etc.

重庆正邦成套食品机械总汇隶属于山东正邦大豆机械厂,为山东正邦大豆机械厂在重庆的常驻办事处。Chongqing nation complete set food machinery confluence subordinates in the Shandong nation soybean machine shop, for Shandong nation soybean machine shop in Chongqing's resident office.