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我想餐厅一定会受理信用卡的。I think the restaurant accepts credit cards.

我们这里恐怕不能受理易腐烂的物品。I'm afraid we can't accept perishable goods.

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北京西城区法院已受理此案。The case has been accepted by a local court.

法官不得在其受理的案件中当证人。A judge cannot be a witness in his own cause.

地方法院受理了她的离婚申请。The local court received her petition for divorce.

我们目前还不受理远期支票。We can not handle post-dated checks at the moment.

那种过错不在联邦法院受理范围内。That offence is not justiciable in a federal court.

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他雇了一位专门受理离婚案的律师。He has hired a lawyer who specializes in divorce cases.

无论名额是否报满,考试前3周自动停止受理报名。You will receive your Test Score Report within 3 weeks.

目前为止,LCIA印度只受理过两起案件。So far, LCIA India has had just two cases referred to it.

法院因证据不足而不受理此案。The court dismissed the case because of lack of evidence.

仲裁委员会分会可以受理并处理案件。The Sub-Commission can take cognizance of and handle cases.

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我们不受理联邦卡,我们只受理万事达和JCB卡。We don't accept Federal. We just honor Master and JCB Card.

我觉得法院不会受理这样一个案子”他说。I don't think the courts would accept such a case," he says.

管一索赔没的根据,不能受理。Such a claim, as is without foundation , cannot be accepted.

最近这两起案件进一步扩大了FCPA的受理范围。Two recent cases have further widened the scope of the FCPA.

在此之前,专利上诉由巡回上诉法院受理。Before that, patent appeals went to circuit courts of appeal.

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他正等着看法院是否会受理此案。He is waiting to find out if the courts will accept his case.

该局稽查大队受理此事。This game of examiner production brigade accepts this matter.

受理上诉的法院维持下级法院的判决。The appellate court affirmed the judgement of the lower court.