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他是一位天文观测员。He is a astronomical observer.

相比之下,地球轨道只是一个天文单位。In comparison, the Earth orbits at just 1 AU.

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一位天文家说,大师,时间是怎样的呢?And an astronomer said, "Master, what of Time?"

一个天文单位就是地球到太阳的距离。One AU is the distance from the sun to the Earth.

天文社成立了大约十五年。Astronomy Club has existed for about fifteen years.

日食是非常引人入胜的天文现象。Eclipse is a very intriguing astronomic phenomenon.

上至天文,下至地理,你可用中文讨论任何的话题。For discussion of any topic in chinese language only.

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乾德五年五星聚奎是宋初发生的一次真实天文现象。Five-planet conjunction in Kui occurred at the time of A.

只有1.4636个天文单位,意思是地球与太阳间距离的1.4636倍。Only 1.4636 UA this mean 1.4636 times distance sun earth.

空间和时间,这听起来,像不像天文课程上学的东西?Space and time. Sounds like an astrophysics course, right?

天文地理无所不看,博览群书,汗牛充栋。Astronomy and geography anything, Expo Group, a voluminous.

这幅拼接的天文照片是在两个地方拍摄的。The celestial photo-op is captured here from two locations.

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太阳到地球的距离即为一个天文单位。The distance from the sun to earth is one astronomical unit.

天文照相术得到巨大发展。It leads to the dramatic advances in astronomical photography.

一个天文单位是地球与太阳之间的距离。An astronomical unit is the distance between Earth and our sun.

地球也是一个,因为我们用天文单位。For the Earth, it is one because we work in astronomical units.

它是设计用于与高明的天文文件跟踪系统。It is designed for use with Garmin's Astro Doc Tracking System.

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它可能会在距离太阳3万个天文单位的地方被发现。It could be found up to 30, 000 astronomical units from the sun.

它指向将在2012年发生的一次特殊天文事件。It refers to special astronomic events that will happen in 2012.

事实上,天文摄影需要耐心的去累积光子。In fact, astrophotography is an unhurried accumlation of photons.