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士兵们用战壕防御前哨。The soldiers trenched an outpost.

从德国战壕中发现的吊裤带。A suspender found in a German dugout.

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以战壕为背景,拍了一部喜剧。He made a comedy set in the trenches.

陆达顺着战壕向下走去。Six reach to follow dugout to go beneath.

战壕中的他将在夜暗前死去。In the trench he will die before nightfall.

各班都呆在浅战壕里。Squads stayed together in shallow trenches.

我们已经连续五夜睡在战壕之中。We’d been sleeping in ditches for five nights.

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他将手榴弹呈圆弧形地抛进敌人的战壕。He looped the hand grenade into the enemy trench.

其余的人都在战壕里用轻机枪和冲锋枪射击。The rest were in trenches with light MG and SMGs.

战士们用机关枪向战壕内扫射。The soldiers raked the trench with machine-gun fire.

在战壕中,SUNDEK的女战士们在奋力对抗赤裸裸的烈焰!In the trenches, SUNDEK soldiers resist under nudist fire.

似乎,一发炮弹击中了领近的战壕,一些士兵阵亡。Apparently, a shell hit the next trench. Some soldiers were killed.

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1917年6月至9月,他成为了一名普通士兵,在战壕中经历九死一生。He served in the trenches as a private from June to September 1917.

钧座,俺想顺着战壕走一遭,看看部队。Jun, the An wants to emulate dugout to walk one troops of encounter, looking.

下面是我的一些对付睡眠不足时期的小贴士,从战壕里分享来的Here are my tips for surviving a sleep-deprived season, shared from the trenches

炮火来得非常凶猛,我们尽量的将身体往战壕的地面贴,以图躲避炮火。The fire was strong, we were hiding from the shells in the bottom of the trench.

军队所有的士兵都在挖战壕,为即将打响的战斗做准备。To prepare for the upcoming war, all soldiers in the army are trenching warfare.

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我遇到的每一个火,在法国的战壕一步的人物之一。I have met every one of the characters on the fire-step of the trenches in France.

如果它的城垣低,战壕浅,守备弱,就能攻下来了。If the wall is low, the moats shallow, and the defenses weak then it can be taken.

但一旦战争来临,这类人会肩扛步枪进入战壕吗?And if war comes do such men as these shoulder the musket and go into the trenches?