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他是个有名的剑客。He is renowned swordsman.

荆轲刺秦这么有名的故事。It is a well-known story.

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是一个非常有名的爆炸物,RDX,is,a,famous,explosive,我相信你们知道。RDX as I'm sure you know.

这里就是泰山有名的十八盘了。Here was Taishan famous 18.

这里是当地有名的文峰山。Han Jia, what place is this?

就是有名的芦苇海。That is the famed Reed Lake.

毕卡索是有名的画家。Picasso was a famous painter.

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那是个非常有名的滑板场。It's a very famous skate spot.

那是城里最有名的饭店。That's the restaurant in town.

南浦大桥这么有名。The Nanpu Bridge is so famous.

它是史上最有名的。It's the most famous in history.

她是这里有名的单口相声家。She is a famous comedienne here.

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这里的火龙果宴可是相当有名的哦!The pitaya feast is very famous!

这是有名的小艇。Topsail is a famous little boat.

他是有名的地震学专家。He is a famous seismology expert.

有没有来自耶鲁大学的有名人士?Is there any celebrity from Yale?

盖尔多夫是一位有名的流行歌星。Mr Geldof is known as a pop star.

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这是扬州有名的五丁包子。This is the famous five dice bun.

但她是迄今为止最有名的。But she is by far the most famous.

在重庆也是鼎鼎有名的地方。It is a famous place in Chongqing.