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我们要谨防野心家。We should guard against careerists.

野心家在那儿争权夺利,他们不会随之起舞。They don't scramble against careerists for interest and power.

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这个野心家想要改变「荣美之地」以色列。This aggressor wanted to change "the Beautiful Land" of Israel.

说来说去问题就在于我本人目前正同巴勒莫新音出来的野心家闹矛盾。In any case I'm having my own troubles with the young Turks in Palermo.

不过,试图颠覆市场领军者的野心家总是无处不在。Nevertheless, there are always people who will try to topple the market leader.

然后指望和中国新贵结婚的野心家们出现了。And then there are ambitious souls looking to marry up with China’s newly well-off.

修行完备的人也用兵打仗。可是他与一般谋略家、野心家不同。A man of perfect practice also resorts to arms but he is different from the politician.

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连串绑架事件的幕后主脑乃一名叫火狼的野心家。The connected kidnapping event's secret control central is a named fire wolf's careerist.

雷蒙是一个十足的野心家,带领军队在当地胡作非为,人民生活在水深火热之中。Raymond is a full careerist, to lead the army in the local act, people living in dire straits.

生死一线间,各怀鬼胎的野心家能否回头是岸?A glimmer of of life and death, the adventurer of each bosom evil plot can repentance is salvation?

在你孩子还没开始走路前就回去工作,你正冒险使自己看上去像个冷酷的野心家。Return to work before your baby has started to walk and you risk being seen as a ruthless careerist.

朝中社报道称张为一个“卑鄙的政治野心家和骗子”和“人民中的渣滓。”The KCNA report called Jang a "despicable politicalcareerist and trickster" and "despicable human scum. "

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对于那些一心仰望上层社会的野心家和空想家来说,金融诈骗是他们犯罪形式的不二选择。Financial fraud is the crime of choice for arrivistes, insecure dreamers with a yearning eye for high society.

民主党人方面也有许多坏事需要说说,民主党也有许多愤世嫉俗者与野心家。There are plenty of bad things to be said about the Democrats, who have their fair share of cynics and careerists.

一句话,没有啥教育意义。2、俺不懂政治,人家都说懂政治的都是野心家。In a word, not what educational value. 2, I do not understand politics, people understand that all the political careerist.

修行完备的人也用兵打仗。可是他与一般谋略家、野心家不同。A man of perfect practice, in some cases also resorts to arms for conflict solution, but he is different from the politician.

所谓开国元勋,都是些兴风作浪的野心家,在这些人的统治下,天下哪里还有安稳可言?Those men who found a country were careerists. Countries under the careerist's ruling, is there stability under the sun possible?

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帝国初期,唐吞省在野心家孔总督的统治下控制着其它各省。During the early days of the Empire, Tawntoon Province dominated over the rest of the planet, ruled by the unscrupulous Governor Koong.

如果人人都明白这个道理,恐怕便不会发生一些野心家为争夺名利而不择手段的事情了。If everyone understands the reason, I am afraid there will not be a quest for fame and fortune while some careerist unscrupulous things.

并非我们没有守财奴,但比起莫里哀与巴尔扎克笔下的守财奴与野心家来,就小巫见大巫了。But Chinese misers prove less miserly and less ambitious when they are compared with those misers and careerists described by Moliai and Balzac.