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从音韵学的角度清理其失误,计有六处之多。This essay disposes of its six errors from the angle of phonology.

了解音韵学以及语言的需求性。Know what phonetics and phonology are and how language is acquired.

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通过系联诗歌韵脚字,考求诗文韵部系统是音韵学研究当中的一种重要方法。Unite the poem rhyming word is an important method in the study of Chinese phonology.

上古汉语存在复辅音,已为历史音韵学界共认。It is academically recognized that there existed compound consonants in ancient Chinese.

同时,从音韵学的角度,对不同版本刘长卿近体诗的用韵字进行了校勘。From the viewpoint of the phonology , we emend the words in different editions of Liu's poems.

其四,对从音韵学角度研究楚系文字的可行性进行了探讨。Fourthly, it has carried on the discussion on studying Chu characters from the sound study angle.

事实上,关于这一点有过许多争议,尤其在音韵学家之间。In fact, there has been considerable controversy in this connection, especially among phonologists.

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汉语历史语音变化的研究,在我国传统称为音韵学。Studies on historical phonetic change of Chinese is traditionally called Chinese phonology in China.

因此,有很多分支语言学如音韵学,形态学,句法等。Therefore, there are a number of branches of linguistics such as phonology, morphology, syntax, etc.

传统音韵学和非线性音系学,这两种主要的方法在本研究中得以应用。Two major approaches, traditional phonology and nonlinear phonology, have been applied to the study.

本文介绍了韩国对汉语音韵学的教学与研究情况,反映出韩国社会对中国文化的高度重视。This article introduced the situation of the teaching and research on the Chinese phonology in Korea.

从音韵学的角度,对两种不同本子进行对比,校正了几处错误。This paper makes a comparison between two editions and correct several errors from the angle of phonology.

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正是由于颜之推等人的努力,音韵学在这一时期成熟起来,并成为以后1000多年中国传统语言学的主流之一。This made phonology become mature and become one of the main stream of Chinese linguistics in latter 1000 year.

汉语音韵学也叫声韵学,是研究汉语音系统及其发展规律的科学。The Chinese phonology is a study that deals with the Chinese phonological system and the laws of its development.

将对我们演说“音韵学在电脑上的应用”的著名演说家,是美国的语言学家哈特博士。The distinguished speaker who will address us on "Phonology Applied in Computers" is the American linguist, Dr. Hart.

第三,本文结合语音学和历史音韵学理论,讨论了导致语音变化和内部差异产生的原因。Utilizing the theory of phonetics and historical phonology, the thesis discusses the cause of the sound changes and the diversities.

隋唐诗人的用韵作为中古语音的重要研究资料之一,历来被音韵学家所重视。Rhyme of Sui and Tang Dynasty, as one of the important research data of medieval pronunciation, has always been valued by scientists phonology.

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作为集文字学、音韵学、训诂学、校勘学研究之大成的王念孙,自然是这一时期的学术代表人物。Wang Niansun , who as a set text, phonology, exegesis, textual criticism of the nucleus, natural is the academic representative of this period.

新编中学语文教材选了比较多的古典诗词,教学中涉及到平仄、押韵等许多音韵学知识。In the new edition of textbook of Chinese for middle schools, there appear more classical poems requiring the teacher to have some knowledge of tones and rhymes.

现代音韵学的发展,使得我们对古代汉语词义的研究更加深入、清晰,而词义的清晰研究是我们研究古代汉语的关键。The development of Modern Phonology enables us to have a deeper and clearer study on the word meaning of ancient Chinese, which is the key factor in the study of the language.