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轻舟能过几重山?How many hills can my skiff pass?

这条小型轻舟很容易搬运。The small canoe could be ported easily.

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此后的一段时间里的柳如是以一叶轻舟。After a period of time, Liu Rushi by a light vessel.

虽是一叶轻舟,它至少还浮在水面上。An improbable sort of barque, but at least it floats.

他过去常常在夏日午后驾轻舟荡漾。He used to be pottering about in a canoe on summer afternoons.

轻舟短棹任横斜,醒后不知何处。Little boat with short oar drifts, where he doesn't know after wake.

双手搭上皮船或双人座的轻舟,可以坐下你和你的爱人。Get your hands on a kayak or canoe that fit 2, for you and your love.

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岛峡风光看不尽啦,轻舟飞过万重山啊哟。The island canyon scenery looks endlessly, the light vessel has flown Mt.

诗人的心如同一叶轻舟,这一节诗中的意象则是天鹅。Poet's Heart Adventure as a leaf, this section of the poem's imagery is the swan.

多想荡起一片轻舟,以悠悠的姿势,划向经久的年轮,驶向心之归处。To sway a canoe, with leisurely posture, is zoned to wear rings, to the heart to.

海浪为劈风斩浪的航船饯行,为随波逐流的轻舟送葬。Waves to slash one of the ship, Adventures of a funeral procession for the drift.

于是游湖之兴顿生,驾一叶轻舟,徜徉万顷波涛。So Hing Lake of All of a sudden have a, driving securinine Adventures, 10000 ares beautiful waves.

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秋雨洗刷过的天空,像大海一样湛蓝碧透。朵朵白云犹如扬帆起航的轻舟,在水面上慢悠悠地飘浮着。The rain washed the sky, like the ocean blue. The clouds like a sailing boat, in the water slowly floating.

有什么能比乘一叶轻舟在浩瀚的大海中漂行更让人心醉神驰,浑然忘俗呢!What could be better than take a leaf boat in the vast sea of floating people ecstasy, totally forget vulgar!

在美丽的湘江之上,与你摇一叶轻舟,自由漂泊,没有终点。Be living above the pretty Xiang river , Wave a skiff against you , Liberty is rove , There is not terminal point.

首先我们有这句“迷茫深夜中,轻舟的导航人“,并且这个导航人在明喻中,体现为从诗句之外向内眺望。First we have the "Pilot of some small night-founder'd Skiff," and the pilot stands ab extra, from outside, in the simile.

但最引人注目的仍然是峡湾中的声声海浪和沐浴在日光下的片片轻舟。But the grand spectacle is still the beating of the waves of the sea and the boats bathed in the golden light of the summer.

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坐在这一片清朗的空旷里,我第一次有勇气,开始期待那种“轻舟已过万重山”的心情。Sitting here in a more open, the first time I have the courage to start, to the" canoe already past thousands of mountains".

“轻舟不系任流去,”身心放纵于湖光山色,象水里的鱼龙一样物我两忘,自由安详。"Adventure is not any flow to the Department, " indulgence in physical beauty, as long as the water the fish were the two I forget, the Liberal serene.

让我们友谊的轻舟,像箭似的向着灿烂的朝阳前进,真正的知音,不须多言。Let our canoe of friendship shoot like an arrow towards the rising sun because the taciturn cooperation among true friends is beyond wordy explanations.