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用不粘锅烹饪试的喷雾。Spray with nonstick cooking spray.

你留意寻找一个新的不粘锅定。You are on the lookout for a new cookware set.

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将混入这些食材的蛋液倒入已经预热的不粘锅。Add the egg mixture to a preheated non-stick pan.

所以,人们千万别让不粘锅、电饭锅空烧。So, people do not let non-stick pan, rice cooker air burning.

在一只大的不粘锅中高火加热一大汤匙油。Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over high heat.

用黄油涂一下锅底,或者用不粘锅的喷油。Oil the griddle with butter, or spray it with non-stick cooking spray.

取一只大号不粘锅,用中高火加热2汤匙油。Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.

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植物油和不粘锅一起使用效果会更好。It prevents food from sticking and works best when used with a nonstick pan.

锅的复合结构使锅体具有优异的热功能,利用这些,可以进行无油烟烹饪和不粘锅烹饪。There's no oil-smoke and no stain for the compound structure of titanium pot.

中火加热一只大号长柄不粘锅,放入油。Heat 3 tablespoons canola oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-low heat.

我们提倡低温烹饪,不但无油烟,不粘锅,而且能保持食材的更多的营养,有利于您的健康。Not only no oil-smoke and no stain, but also keep more nutrition of the food in this way.

用黄油涂一下锅底,或者用不粘锅的喷油。然后加热,中等温度就好。Oil the griddle with butter, or spray it with non-stick cooking spray. Heat it over medium heat.

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用铁等易腐蚀金属制造的不粘锅,不能制作酸性食品。Wait with iron easy corrode what the metal makes not to stick boiler , cannot make acidity provision.

你可以找到这些不粘锅套在许多不同的地方,如厨房供应以及网上商店。You can find these cookware sets in many different places, such as kitchen supply stores as well as online.

牛油放入加热的不粘锅,等牛油融化时加入橄榄油烧热。Heat the butter and the olive oil in a large saute pan over medium-high heat until the butter almost smokes.

取不粘锅倒油加热,鱼肉堡的每一面都煎上4到5分钟,直到表面边松脆而且鱼肉变熟。Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan, then fry the burgers for 4-5 mins on each side, turning until crisp and cooked through.

杭州天缘厨具有限公司是生产不粘锅系列厨具的专业厂家,主导出口产品有多种型号的汤锅、炒锅、煎盘及烤盘等。We are a professional manufacturer of Non-Stick Pan series cookware which mainly including stockpot, wok pan, fry pan, grill pan and so on.

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在一个12英寸的不粘锅中用中火加热黄油直到下沉,然后煮糖,时常翻炒,直到呈黄褐色。Heat butter in a 12-inch heavy nonstick skillet over medium heat until foam subsides, then cook sugar, stirring constantly, until golden brown.

取一中等不粘锅预热,加入小香肠炒3分钟,再加入培根并不时翻面儿,约5分钟至表皮微焦。Heat a medium non-stick frying pan, add the chipolatas and fry for 3 mins. Add the bacon, turning occasionally, until it starts to crisp, about 5 mins more.

既可将旧饭锅加工成不粘锅,也可将表面涂层已磨损的不粘锅修复。Said technology features simple steps, easy to carry out, capable of both processing the old pan into a non-sticking pan and repairing the worn non-sticking pan.