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那边那座华丽的大厅堂是什么?。What is the glorious hall there?

沿中轴线建厅堂三进。Along the axis of three-hall building.

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到我们聚会的那个粗陋的厅堂里去。Come to the humble hall in which we meet.

在世界的屋檐下,在中国的厅堂间。Under the world eave and among Chinese halls.

他刚走出厅堂门,那客人就进来了。Hardly had he left the room when the traveller entered.

鲜花扮靓桌子,有趣的人扮靓厅堂。Flowers adorn the table adn interesting people adorn the hall.

透过厅堂里的窗户,可以看到上宫大公园的全景。Through the window of the hall , we could see the big park of the upper belvedere.

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工人便走出厅堂,立即又领着三个人转回来。The man left the room, and returned almost immediately, accompanied by three others.

大盆君子兰可放置在厅堂,直接用来调节客厅的空气。Spaghetti with kaffir be placed in rooms directly to the air-conditioned living room.

一开始,我是被放在老板家的厅堂的那部专业摄象机吸引。At first, my sight is caught by the professional camera in the corner of the sitting room.

表示缩尺模型可以准确的反映实际厅堂声场馀响时间。Show reduced scale model can accurate reflection actual hall acoustic field over loud time.

许多女子也认为,出得了厅堂的男人,总比只能呆在卧房里的男人强。Many women would agree that one good man in the boardroom is better than two in the bedroom.

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旅馆内的骑士餐馆装潢极为粗糙,厅堂里放有盔甲。The chivalric cafeteria decorate inside hotel is very coarse, put in hall hall have armature.

乐广想了想,他的厅堂挂了一把弓,朋友看到的小蛇恐怕是弓的影子。It was possible that his friend had mistaken the shadow of the bow as a snake in his wine cup.

安灼拉并不回答,他用手碰了一下公白飞的肩膀,他们走到下面的厅堂里去了。Enjolras, without making any reply, touched Combeferre's shoulder, and the two entered the tap-room.

它主要由一座小山和一个人工湖组成,里面到处建有桥、塔和厅堂。It is mainly made up of a hill and a ma-made lake, with bridges, pagodas and halls all over the area.

墙体是1097年建成,大厅是欧洲最大的中世纪厅堂,它的屋顶没有支撑。The walls were built in 1097 and the hall is one Europe’s largest medieval halls with an unsupported roof.

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于是,我把雨衣存放在厅堂的衣帽间,跟着经理走向餐桌,要了酒。收藏反馈。Well, I left my raincoat in the coatroom in the hall , followed the manager to a table, and ordered a drink.

我出生的老屋里,厅堂前有一个石面铺砌的院子,足供我嬉戏奔跑。I used to play on the flagstones of the courtyard in front of the hall of the old house where I had been born.

在这儿,你根本看不到研发部、人力资源部,也不见有工商管理的硕士走过厅堂。You’ll find no R&D department here at James industries, no pr office and not a single M A B walking there halls.