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而天空中的绮丽色彩努力让我们快乐起来。And the colours in the sky try to entertain us.

由于巴厘岛万种风情,景物甚为绮丽。Since the Bali 10,000 kinds of customs, scenery is lai.

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由于巴厘岛万种风情,景物甚为绮丽。As the Bali million species and customs scenery very lai.

那爱情的绮丽,总是在孤单里。The gorgeousness of love alway be abandoned in the loneliness.

它以其绮丽的花,参天大树,和其他各色植物闻名于世。It is famous for its beautiful flowers, tall trees and other plants.

思想里孕育出的绮丽,不会轻易被风刮走,了无痕迹。Lane thinking bred by Lui, is not easily windborne go without a trace.

此外还有城市森林公园龙潭山、朱雀山等风光绮丽的景区。In addition, the Town Forest Park Longtan Hill, rosefinch Hill scenery So the node.

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这是一个有著海港,高山,和绮丽的海滩景象的小港。It It's a little bay with Hot Bay's harbours , mountains and magnificent beach views.

她以绮丽的服装闻名世界,可是一套鲜肉比基尼会不会有一点过火啊?She is famous for her outrageous costumes, but is a meat bikini taking it a bit too far?

骊山不仅以风光绮丽闻名,更有温泉著称。Mount Li is not just well-known for its picturesque scenery but also for its hot springs.

漫步狭窄的街道或闲荡到一间小食店找个位子坐下慢慢尽情享受这个城市的绮丽风光。Stroll along the narrow streets or linger over a meal to soak up the feeling of the city.

那绮丽的霞光是对夕阳的礼赞,是大自然赏赐给人类的恩典。That beautiful sunset on sunset celebration, is a gift from mother nature to human grace.

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大海也随着潮汐着色彩,时而翠微,时而碧蓝,展现出一个迷人的绮丽世界。An enchanting world where the ocean turned from emerald to aquamarine with the changing tides.

我们很平凡。人的生命如晨露,像樱花,可以绮丽的只有那么多的时间。We are ordinary. Human life like dew, like the cherry blossoms, can be beautiful only so much time.

这部纪录片似乎对太地町这座太平洋边的绮丽小镇造成了影响。The documentary appears to have had an impact in Taiji, a picturesque town on Japan's Pacific coast.

身临其境既可饱览绮丽迷人的自然风光,又能引发人们对于历史苍桑的概叹。Can enjoy the charming feel beautiful scenery, people can trigger a historical overview of the Cangsang sigh.

是否,你已把我珍藏,不然为何微笑总在装饰我的梦,留下绮丽的幻想。Have you cherished me or not, otherwise why you leave my a beautiful illusion and smile or ornaments my dream.

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面积1.78平方公里,四季如春,鸟语花香,亚热带海岛风光绮丽多姿,素有“海上花园”的美誉。It enjoys a pleasant climate with agreeable subtropical island flavor, and therefore is known as the Garden on the Sea.

她的伙伴似乎热衷于体能耐力的考验,她却偏爱欣赏绮丽的自然风光,以及与当地人接触。Her partner seemed intent on testing his stamina, while she preferred admiring the fantastic scenery and meeting the locals.

在深达近千米的海底,生长着大片绮丽的珊瑚礁、婀娜多姿的海星和黄褐色的海胆。On the sea bed at depths of up to 3,000ft are vast coral reefs, forests of willowy feather-stars and russet-red sea urchins.