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他的个性与她的相反相成。His personality is complementary to hers.

所谓张力,简而言之,就是一种相反相成的力。The so-called tension, in a nutshell, is a contrast Xiang-cheng of the force.

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相反相成,对立统一,是形成和谐的根本原因。Being opposite and complementary to each other and united is the basic cause of harmony.

本文主要对几对相反相成的翻译方法在具体条件下的使用做一简要的阐述。This article discusses usage of a few opposite and complementary methods under the concrete condition.

儒道两家各有偏重又相互补充,相反相成地融合为共同的和谐美的思想。Confucianism and Daoism oppose and complement each other, and fuse into the thought of beauty of harmony.

英语变异是一个客观事实,它与英语常规相反相成、不容忽视。English deviation is an objective fact. And it is opposite and complementary to English norm and can not be ignored.

生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好与社会治安相辅相成、相映相成、相反相成。Social order is both complementary and opposite to production development, better-off lives and sound ecological effects.

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这两股相反相成的力量,共同推动行业的主导逻辑从寻租逻辑向竞争逻辑转变。Both Unit quite contrary forces to jointly promote industry-led logic to the logic of competition from the rent-seeking logic changes.

“世界文学”与“民族文学”是相反相成的概念,互证对方的合理性。World Literature" and "National Literature" are complementary to each other, and they mutually testify their respective reasonability.

尤喜将阔笔大写的花卉与工细草虫合于一图,以求相反相成之韵趣。Hi particular, the width of pen and uppercase Flower Insect works fine together in a graph, in order to rhyme interest opposite and complementary.

汉代神仙信仰的发展与养生文化的兴衰相反相成。The development of the immortal belief of Han Dynasty and the culture of keeping in good health were both opposite and complementary to each other.

而您也可以获得另一方面的美誉和利益,那才叫相反相成,相得益彰!Meanwhile, you gain greater fame and interests through your criticism. It is indeed 'extremes meet' and will only end up with mutual help and benefit!

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而您也可以获得另一方面的美誉和利益,那才叫相反相成,相得益彰!Meanwhile, you gain greater fame and interests through your criticism. Ibis is indeed 'extremes meet' and hill only end up with mutual help and benefit!

“大东合邦”、“亚细亚一体”、“大亚细亚主义”是近代日本侵华理论的一种重要形态,它与武力犯华论相反相成,形成了日本侵略中国的软硬两种理论形态,其实质都是并吞中国。All of the"great east merged states", "Asia as an integral whole"and"great Asianism"belong to a theoretical form for Japanese invasion of China in modern times.

艺术中的永恒和此刻的关系与艺术中的大和小的关系一样,它们是辩证地相反相成的。Art in the relationship between the eternal and the moment of art and the relationship between large and small, they are in a dialectical and complementary to the contrary.

虚实关系的内涵应当说非常具体而又特别宽泛,它不仅本身是一个相反相成、对立统一的概念,还能够涵盖画面上其他对立统一的因素。The connotation of ideological and practical work is very concrete and covering wide range. It not only complements each other, but also includes other elements in the frame.