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难道你不喜欢惊险片?Don't you like thrills?

我喜欢动作惊险片。I love action thrillers.

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我喜欢惊险片,不喜欢言情影片。I like thrillers but I don't like romances.

我们把电视转到五频道吧。那儿在放映一部侦探惊险片。Let's switch to 5. There's a crime thriller.

恐怖片和惊险片还有科幻片。Horror films and thrillers and science fiction.

这部政治惊险片真实多于虚构。This political thriller is more fact than fiction.

广告插播令人丧气,特别是当你看到惊险片中的精彩情节时。These breaks can be frustrating, especially during some exciting action in a thriller.

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有些人喜欢惊险片,而有些人则喜欢侦探片和爱情片。Some people like adventure movies while others love detective movies and love stories, etc.

不论是好莱坞的凶杀,悬念惊险片,浪漫故事还是喜剧片,它们都让我紧张,流泪,捧腹大笑。Be it a murder mystery, suspense thriller, romance or comedy, they always make me panic, laugh or cry.

那是一部后末世惊险片,赢得多项奥斯卡,并得到批评家的赞扬。It was the post-apocalyptic action adventure film that scooped up numerous Oscars and was praised by the critics.

这部以上海为背景的二战惊险片中充斥著长时间的,有些甚至是暴力的性爱场面,李安暗示说那些是真枪实弹完成的。The movie is a World War II thriller set in Shanghai featuring long and sometimes violent sex scenes that Lee has hinted were real.