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我船水线以下有漏隙。I have leak below water line.

我船水线下正在进水。I am flooding below water line.

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“翡翠海”船水线以上有严峻的破坏。I have major damage below waterline.

我船水线以上有严重的损坏。I have major damage above water line.

我船水线以上有轻微的损坏。I have minor damage above water line.

我船水线以下有轻微的损坏。I have minor damage below water line.

这只船的吃水线处被敌人的炮火击穿了。The ship was holed along the WL under enemy fire.

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淡水线芝山站下车,转乘市民小巴11,约4站即达。Zhishan station, Citizen minibus 11, around 4 stops.

实心玻璃钢船壳。水线上PVC夹心材三明治结构。Solid Fiberglass Hull with PVC Cored Above Waterline.

这只船被敌人的炮火沿着吃水线处击穿。The ship was holed along the waterline by enemy fire.

雷用专门的防锈涂料涂船的吃水线以下的部位。Ray painted below the waterline with a special anti- rust paint.

入口广场喷水池、街空间水线、平台水岸等。Entrance plaza fountain, street space lanes, platform waterfront etc.

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吃水线下的船身铁板被鱼雷击穿。The hull's iron plates deep below the waterline were hit by torpedos.

驶上驶下船通常其船型较瘦,但在艏艉水线上方有很大的舷缘外倾。RoRo-ship usually has a fine hull form with large flare at bow and stern.

连续的水线从窗上流下遮挡住了外面的视线。A steady stream of water pours down the windows obscuring the view outside.

大型船只在吃水线下的部位,从前体纵剖线伸出一个球鼻形船首。The bow protrudes from the bowline of large ships just below the waterline.

船进坞检查,清洁,油漆和进行水线下修理工程。To drydock vessel for examination, cleaning, painting and under water work.

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点状腐蚀能够造成吃水线下船体外壳的彻底穿透。Pitting can lead to the complete penetration of the hull below the waterline.

灌水区,来试试穿越水线的感觉吧,尽情的发帖!Irrigation District, to try the feeling across the waterline , all of the Post!

两条输水线计划在未来一两年内全部投入运行。Both routes are supposed to be fully operational within the next couple of years.