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你却给了我整个枫林。You gave me a whole Fenglin.

为什么,人们这么喜欢枫林呢?Why, people like so maple's woods?

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悬崖上枫林红似火。The cliff was aflame with crimson maple.

这一片小小的枫林,牵动着我的心。This a little maple's woods, affects my heart.

秋风给枫林涂抹胭红。The wind of the autumn colour the maples carmine.

枫林街的“红玫瑰”餐厅很有名。The Red Rose Restaurant in Maple Road is very famous.

红枫林,这片童年的乐园。Red maple forest, this piece of paradise of childhood.

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我原想拾起一片枫叶,你却给了我整片枫林。I want to pick up a piece of maple leaf, but you give the all my maple.

懂得感谢,如同你懂得了深秋里的枫林从山。Know how to thank, as you know the Fenglin late autumn in the mountains.

每一幢建筑掩映于烟柳、荷塘、桂树、枫林之中。Each building is set off by willow tree, lotus pond, cassia tree or maple wood.

烟台枫林食品有限公司是1992年成立的中日合资企业。Yantai Fenglin Food Co. , Ltd. is established in 1992, Sino-Japanese joint venture.

慢慢地走着,走到了枫林的尽头,出现在眼帘的是那一望无际的大海。Slowly walked on, walked to the end of Fenglin, in the view is that the endless sea.

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以风景优美而闻名的七莲瀑布与将清水包围其间的老松和枫林相映成趣。The Chilyeon Waterfall blend well with the surrounding old pine trees and maple trees.

人们从枫林公园当地的餐馆打包了各种各样可口的晚餐。Moviegoers picnicked on various delicious dinners from many of Maplewood's local eateries.

张伯为突然发现黄枫林进了宾馆,这是个极度危险迹象。Zhang Bo to suddenly find Huang Fenglin into the hotel, this is an extremely dangerous signs.

鱼刺直扑黄枫林在许福巷的住所,她要亲手消灭黄枫林。Barb Huang Fenglin straight at Xu Fu lane house, she will personally eliminated Huang Fenglin.

在剑桥吃到的这一家叫“枫林小馆”,听着很雅致。In Cambridge to eat this one is called "the maple's woods small museum, " listen very elegant.

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看,山脚下那一片枫林,我茫然若失地拣起了一片火红的枫叶,注视着它。Look, the foot of the mountain that a maple's woods, I lost picked up a piece of red maple leaf, look at it.

我知道,照这种速度下去,每年春天我都爱去提取树浆的这片枫林,到我孩子的那一代就将不复存在。At that rate I knew that the maple trees that I love to tap each spring for syrup would not survive for my children.

我在设想着哪一天我能去一个很大的枫林,独自在枫林中徜徉,让枫叶的红流进我的血液。I think that one day I can go to a lot of Fenglin, Maple Garden in alone, let the maple leaf red flow into my blood.