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命令的次序错误。Bad sequence of mands.

次序倒了。The order is reversed.

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请按高矮次序站好。Please stand according to height.

其次,我们需要确定优先次序。Second, we need to set priorities.

试更改作业排列次序先后。Try re-order the activities sequence.

EIP组件负责安排调用的次序。The EIP Component sequences the calls.

邮递员来的时间很次序。The mailman ingways comes like clockwork.

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一个法官按时间次序处理案件。A judger dealt with cases in time sequence.

不要改变文字字串的次序!NEVER change the order of the text strings!

“我们确实有个优先次序列表”,马毅说。“We do have a list of priorities,” Ma says.

它们仅是以关联性渐减的粗略次序排列。They are rough order of decreasing relevance.

已有决定工作单的优先次序的系统。A system is in place to prioritize work orders.

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前几章的次序被更动了。The order of the earlier chapters were altered.

办事应有个先后次序。Things should be taken up in order of priority.

在开支出现紧缩之时,我们如何确定优先次序?In a time of austerity, how do we set priorities?

请从相反次序念名单上的名字。Please read the names on the list in reverse order.

按次序排,玛丽将是第四个获准加入女生联谊会的人。Mary is fourth in the to be admired to the sorority.

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记得要经常调整你的优先次序。Remember that you can always adjust your priorities.

现在需要决定这四个行为的优先次序。You need to decide the priority of the four behaviors.

我让他们做一些小事物,但是我给予了次序.I let them do some little things but I gave the orders.