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一个灰衣女孩,骑着奄奄一息的马。A grey girl on a dying horse.

当他奄奄一息时,他将那给了我。He gave it to me while he lay dying.

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那个奄奄一息的士兵痛得直哼哼。The dying soldier was groaning with pain.

马特哈塞尔贝克的职业生涯可能因此奄奄一息。Matt Hasselbeck's career may be on its last legs.

这些云将皆在你奄奄一息时来到These clouds will scatter at thy last faint breath.

我记得他们有很多都奄奄一息。我真得很想念他们。I remember many of them dying, and I missed them so.

洛萨施拉姆是奄奄一息,面对一滩血了。Lothar Schramm is dying, face down in a pool of blood.

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鸡饭仔人事不省,奄奄一息。Chicken rice seed into unconsciousness, at the last gasp.

那一该真是凄凄惨惨-狗奄奄一息,同伴怒目相向。It was a tragic moment-a dying dog,two fighting comrades.

“保护责任”概念并未死亡,但已奄奄一息。Responsibility to protect is not yet dead, but it is fragile.

这女人一直坚强地陪伴奄奄一息的老父直到他去世。The woman sat beside her dying father's bed to the bitter end.

车上坐着的是男孩儿们的科学老师,他身负重伤,奄奄一息。In the car is the boys' science teacher, injured and near death.

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在此后的集中营生活中,Pick-Goslar经常隔着篱笆给饿得奄奄一息的Anne扔食物,但是,Anne还是没有坚持到战争结束的那一天,最终死在了集中营里。Just before the war ended, Frank died in the concentration camp.

我拿起法衣,飞奔到奄奄一息的“沉默的歌手”身旁。I took the shirt and hurried to the side of the dying Mute Singer.

遇害者奄奄一息,尸体被剥掉皮肤,掏空心脏。Bodies with the skins ripped off. The hearts torn from the cadavers.

一头年老体衰的狮子病得有气无力,奄奄一息地躺在树下。A lion had come to the end of his days. He lay helpless under a tree.

另一个让人抽搐的消息来自奄奄一息的房市。Another couple of twitches were detected in moribund housing markets.

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政府应该允许奄奄一息的企业有序地解体。The government should allow orderly dissolution for dying businesses.

渐渐地变得骨瘦如柴,一天终于昏倒路旁,奄奄一息。Becomes gradually thin, one day finally faints the roadside, suffocates.

一头年老体衰的狮子病得有气无力,奄奄一息地躺在地上。An elderly and frail lion of gas in a weak and dying lying on the ground.