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汤姆备有锦囊妙计胸有成竹。Tom had an ace up his sleeve.

徐茂山则胸有成竹表示定能夺取山头。XuMaoShan is in the bag says it can take cap.

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没有测试,我无法胸有成竹地回答这个问题。Without tests I can't answer that question with confidence.

明年的生产计划,队长已胸有成竹。The team leader has a well-thought-out plan for next year's production.

这里人们的生活就在大街上进行着,人们对每件事情都胸有成竹。Life here is lived on the streets and the people possess an answer for everything.

股东们表示他们相信巴菲特在继任者问题上胸有成竹。Shareholders expressed confidence that Buffett has the succession issue well in hand.

年轻人指指皇帝,胸有成竹地回答,是他说的。At that moment, the young man pointed to the Emperor and confidently responded, he said it.

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在进入一个房间之后,你是四处张望,还是胸有成竹地直奔某个位置?When entering a room, are you looking around or are you plain confident and going straight somewhere?

尽管在下半场早期浪费了破门良机,赫斯基依然胸有成竹。Despite squandering a fine chance early in the second-half, Emile Heskey was also resolutely on-message.

前面两个都答对了,因此我胸有成竹地说,“当然是一语学习者”Feeling good about answering the first two right thus far, I respond confidently, "mono-lingual, of course."

您应该能够对迁移计划的大多数方面胸有成竹,除了环境的实际切换。You should be able to prove most aspects of your migration plan, except for the actual switch of environments.

四喜胸有成竹,眼见大刀临头,还一直在说冷笑话,把县令气得七窍生烟。Four xi have answers, and see the sword, has also been said joke, tearing his hair out about the county magistrate.

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培养您的时间性,这样您对相关问题的胸有成竹的把握就可以被看到和听到。Develop a sense of timing, so that your contributions are seen and heard as relevant to the issue or matter at hand.

她当时胸有成竹的回答能!事实上,她只用了两个晚上便学会了两个绘图软件。She was the answer to have a well-thought-out plan! In fact, she only spent two nights he learned two drawing software.

即使对理论和实践胸有成竹,仍然有很多空间需要人们不断修正、实验和憧憬。Even with the theory and the practice understood there will be plenty of room for correction, experimentation, and hope.

这些活动会帮助你觉得对新的一天更有胸有成竹,并且让你准备好迎接生活的各种挑战。These activities will help you to feel more in control of your day, and set you up to deal with whatever life throws at you.

“胸有成竹”用来比喻在做事情以前,已经有了充分成熟的考虑,因而成功的把握很大。This idiom is used to indicate having a well thought out plan already before one sets out to do something, making success assured.

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中国当局胸有成竹,因为他们已经从小分队和其它俘虏那里知道了第三势力的情况。The deck was stacked because the Chinese authorities already knew much from this Third Force agent team and from others they had caught.

因此,用户或者能免去专程找修理工的麻烦,或者能胸有成竹地去修理店而不用担心被蒙蔽。As a result, consumers can either save a trip to the mechanic or go to the shop armed with information that could protect them from fraud.

米歇尔是一个长相英俊,胸有成竹的男人,他说自己是艺术家,起初是通过这个网站找裸体模特。Michael, who is handsome and projects confidence, says he is an artist who began using the site to find models who would pose nude for him.