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他说他的网站因此得到数以万计的访问量。He said he got tens of thousands of extra clicks.

数以万计的牲畜顷刻间消失。Livestock in the tens of thousands has been lost.

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数以万计的人们挤在火车里。Thousands of people are packed tightly in trains.

他教过数以万计的青年男子。He has taught millions upon millions of young men.

数以万计的人们需要他的庇护。Millions of people need its sanctuary and protection.

它们的销售成绩数以千计,数以万计。They sold in the thousands, and in the tens of thousands.

说得更通俗一点,它是数以万计的人们每天赖以生存的行业。More prosaically, it is what billions of people do all day.

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是数以万计的琴键,没有终结。Keyboards have millions and billions of keys that never end.

数以万计的金融从业员及交易员会失去他们的工作。Tens of thousands of bankers and traders have lost their jobs.

全球金融危机使数以万计人处于苦难中。The global financial melt-down is creating hardship for many people.

数以万计的人都称这里是世界奇观。We've had tens of thousands that will call us a wonder of the world.

当教皇坐驾抵临时,数以万计的人振臂欢呼。Thousands cheered and waved as the pontiff entered in his popemobile.

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数以万计的特种部队被派往前线。Special operations forces have added tens of thousands to their ranks.

数以万计挥舞着国旗的积极分子要求提早进行选举。Tens of thousands of flag-waving activists called for early elections.

这种带子模仿了壁虎手上数以万计的毛发。This tape mimics the millions and millions of hairs on a gecko's hands.

周四,数以万计人在也门首都萨那示威。In Yemen, tens of thousands protested in the capital, Sana'a, on Thursday.

它改善了数以万计患者的内外科治疗。It has improved the medical and surgical management of countless patients.

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数以万计的人们排队等候观看这一来自印尼的罕见花种。Many thousands of people stood in line to see a rare flower from Indonesia.

你是我在全世界行动的通行证以及能紧紧扎住数以万计人心灵的签证。You're my passport around the world and my visa into the hearts of millions.

他说,所有这些企业加在一起雇用了数以万计的工人。All of these businesses combined, he said, employ tens of thousands of workers.