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老伯,你们正在挖谁的墓穴呢?Whose grave are you digging, old men?

很抱歉,老伯,可以问你点事情吗?Excuse me, pop. Can I ask you something?

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威廉老伯将被授与人文学荣誉博士。Williams will receive an honorary doctorate in humane letters.

坐在尾车防止小孩们攀登原料车的老伯。仁德糖厂。The old man was sitting over the tail of the train to avoid climbing children.

老伯,你依然没有看见自己的房间,再待一会儿,我们快到达。M. Gagne, you haven't even seen the room yet, hang on a moment, we are almost there.

老伯自称是摆渡人,说刚才有一男一女打晕了他,抢走了船。Old man claimed to be a ferry people, said there was a man and a woman stun him, took the ship.

小店老伯鲜榨果汁,放上冰块,还奉送我们一人一个伊香小馒头。The shop for me, put on ice fresh-squeezed juice, each of us a Iraq now sweet small steamed bun.

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正好,飞行员听到了他们的谈话,就说,“老伯,我可以和你们做个交易。The pilot overheard them and said, "Folks, I'll make you a deal, I'll take you both up for a ride.

刚走出候机楼,首先欢迎我的就是冬天老伯的熊抱。The first welcome I got as I came out of the airport terminal building was a bear hug from Old Man Winter.

她慢慢的逛到路口时,听到有一摆地摊的老伯吆喝到“卖饰品了,漂亮的饰品。She slowly stroll to the junction, heard a man shouting" set up a stall to sell jewelry, beautiful jewelry."

宋老伯又自告奋勇的要带访客去附近其它污染河流的矿场,但遭到他们的拒绝。Mr. Song volunteered that other nearby mines were also polluting streams, but his visitors declined to visit them.

作为一个笑话,也作为一个教训,这个故事据说老伯奥曼是年年讲。This incident has become a joke and a lesson to Mr. Borman. This story has been told every year after it happened.

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所有的人都眼睁睁地盯着老伯奥曼先生——他站在讲台上笑眯眯的,就像个三年级的学生。All eyes stared intently at good old Mr. Borman, who was standing at the head of the class grinning like a 3rd grader.

无巧不成话,当那个旅客离开之后,又有另一位旅客停下询问那老伯有关这个城市中人的事情。Scarcely had the first traveler gone on his way when another stopped to inquire about the people in the city before him.

一位92岁、非常注重外表、身材不高,但是衣著整洁的老伯,今天正搬进老人公寓。A man of 92 years, short, very well-presented, who takes great care in his appearance, is moving into an old people's home today.

对自己的失误,老伯奥曼的坦率比故事本身更生动,更有意思。The fact that he could talk about such a mistake openly and frankly is in itself much more exciting and meaningful than the story.

“姑娘,一共12件。”老伯抖着手把装着饰品的口袋递给芷云,“谢谢你了,姑娘,小心拿好。”" Girl, a total of 12 parts. " The man shaking hands with jewelry pocket to pass any cloud, " thank you, girl, handle with care. "

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他回嘴伯根公司保守的管理形式,但是老伯根想把公司留给他儿子和孙子。Not only did he chafe against Bogen's conservative ways, but the aging Bogen planned to leave the company to his son and son-in-law.