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蟋蟀上房叫,庄稼挨水泡。Cricket is built by blisters, crops.

请在这里签名并写上房号,先生。Please sign here and write down your room number, sir.

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Michael将她拉上房顶部的窄小空间,“没事的,我不会伤害你的,”他告诉她。“It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you, ” he tells her.

说起孩子,你一定不要锁上房门,因为好妈妈对对孩子总是有求必应的。Speaking of children, leave a lock off your door because good mommies are always available.

今天,上房?易居房地产消费综合指数终于新鲜出炉了。Today, real estate consumption in main rooms, Yi composite index finally freshly baked roll.

在我的小院中,到夏天,满是花草,小猫儿们只好上房去玩耍,地上没有它们的运动场。In my little yard, there are a variety of flowers and plants, which keep cats away to our rooms.

由于没有插上房卡时,空调是低速运转的,听说重庆手机批发。The hvac system works in low speed if the room key is not inserted. After you insert your room key!

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正面五间上房,皆雕梁画栋,两边穿山游廊厢房,挂着各色鹦鹉、画眉等鸟雀。In front of the rooms were hanging a lot of cages keeping various parrots and thrushes and so forth.

外国专家外出离开房间时,须锁上房门,关好窗户,关闭电器设备及照明灯。Please close the windows, turn off the electrical appliances and lamps and lock the door while going outside.

燃灯随后捐助修建新的上房湾村小,并以因公殉职的女教师敬银珍的名字命名。EEP later donated to built a new school and named the school Jing Ning Jen after a teacher who had died on duty.

河水淹上房外檐槽的那一天,爸爸决定,到山上的帐篷里寻求庇护了。On the day water covered the gutters outside, my father decided we would have to seek shelter in the tents on the hill.

为促进河南上房沟高滑石型难选钼铁矿石选矿技术水平的提高,对其进行了工艺矿物学研究。To promote beneficiation level of high-talc-based refractory kamiokate ore of Shangfanggou in Henan, the paper studied its process mineralogy.

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上房物业的公众物业服务起步于1987年管理上海市委、市政府办公、宾馆与商业物业。SFPM Started its provision of public property services in 1987, when she delivered such services to the Shanghai municipal government offices, hotels and commercial properties.

我就高兴。在我的小院子里,一到夏天满是花草,小猫只好上房去玩,地上没有它们的运动场。In summer, flowers and plants growing in luxuriance in my small courtyard will leave little open space as a playground for the small cats, so they have to sport about in our rooms instead.

上房置换公司近期已在罗秀西路、长桥一带购置了35套毛坯公房,因为这里靠近华东理工大学。Main rooms in the replacement company recently Peggy Road West, bridges along public houses by the acquisition of 35 sets of blank because here near East China Science and Technology University.