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这次考试采用百分制。The test uses a percentage grading system.

这次考试的全国平均分是百分制的70分。The national norm in this examination is 70 out of 100.

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在百分制的评分系统中,Google得到86分,雅虎则以77分紧随其后。Google scored 86 points out of a possible 100, followed by Yahoo with 77 points.

考试采取闭卷的形式进行,考试实行百分制,60分以上为合格。Most schools in China use the hundred percentage point system, with 60 percent as the passing grade.

考核方式实行理论考核百分制与实践五分等级制相合的方式进行。Its checking method is the combination of theory hundred-mark system and practical five-rank systems.

采用百分制对船舶设备安全状态进行打分的传统考核评估方法,对促进船舶设备管理起到了一定的积极作用。It is one of traditional methods that marking the conditions of the ship's main equipments and structures by percentage.

只要将这些辐射中的百分制二点五转化成电能就可以满足一个国家在2006年的全部的能源消耗。Converting only 2.5 percent of that radiation into electricity would match the nation’s total energy consumption in 2006.

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该管理法以区队为考核单位,对每名职工的考核实行“百分制”管理。The management team as the assessment laws to area unit, the assessment on each employee implementation of "percentile" system management.

但是,请注意,你所申请的美国大学会使用他们各自的算法对你的百分制成绩进行转换,并把它作为衡量你的指标之一。However, you should be aware that it is up to U. S. colleges and universities you are applying for to determine your GPA using the their own method.

本课程第三学年第二学期开设,计划学时64,学分4,期末采用闭卷考试,百分制。The course is scheduled in the second half of the third academic year, with teaching 64 hours and 4 credits. The final examination takes 100 points.

“百分制”还是“等级制”并不能改变评价是相对评价还是绝对评价的性质。Both hundred-mark system and grading system are grade measuring tables in nature, and they provide the measurement and evaluation for educational evaluation.

其二,计算标准模板和被测信号的矢量失真测度时,应用了一种特殊的数学模型,能够定量地以百分制形式给出最终结果。On the other hand, a special method to calculate the Euclidian distance between standards and trainings was proposed, so as to give a reasonable score finally.

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Twitalyzer在它的首页给出了免费评价你影响力的方法,即“影响分,这是一个综合影响力、粉丝数和写twitter频率来计算的指数,采用百分制计算。”Twitalyzer offers on its front page a free rating of your "impact score, which is a 0-to-100 index that combines influence, number of followers and frequency of message writing."

并且结合常见的6112曲轴的切削加工进行案例研究,证明了此制造过程百分制环境评价方法切实可用,值得推广。And study on the case in cutting combining 6112 bent axles. Proving this percent environment evaluation method in the manufacture process can be used. And it deserve popularizing.