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wwe又一次违犯了诺言。He skint his words once over again.

这种违犯规则者会受到惩罚吗?Would such rule-breakers be punished?

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为什么帝王要违犯自己定出的法规?Or kings be breakers of their own behests ?

激进分子指出,总统解除战争部长职务违犯了一项新的法律。Radicals charged that this violated a new law.

他们违犯了非歧视原则。They infringe the principle of non-discrimination.

今年,我们把违犯了规定的G4赶了出去。We had to kick out G4 this year for violating the rules.

违犯交通规则的人应当遭到科罚。Those who violingested traffic regulines should be punished.

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违犯者将以最严厉之罚则被诉追其法律责任。Violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible.

恪遵佛陀所制戒律规范,誓不违犯。I vow to adhere to the disciplinary rules promulgated by the Buddha.

问题在于,很多违犯者即使被揭露了也还在那里待着。The problem is that many violators remain, even after they are exposed.

告解庭是一种仪式,承认自己是原罪违犯者及忏悔者。Exomologesis was a ritual of recognizing oneself as a sinner and a penitent.

我有意识地产生了违犯国法的想法。I had ever consciously entertained the idea of violating the laws of the land.

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科维尔先生被控违犯信任及计算机非法操作。Mister Kerviel was charged with breach of trust and illegal computer activity.

违犯规则查封、扣押、冻结、没收财物的。Sealing up, detaining, freezing or confiscating money or goods as in violation of provisions.

颁布这种法令即是违犯了比之更高的法律,后者要求待生命以平等和尊重。To enact such a law is to break a higher law that demands fairness and respect for human life.

当被人问起我是否吸食大麻时,我回答说从未违犯美国的禁毒法。When asked if I had ever smoked marijuana, I said I had never broken the drug laws in America.

这牵涉到一条原则,一条一再被无情地违犯的生死攸关的原则。A principle is involved, a life-and-death principle which is repeatedly and thoughtlessly violated.

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但是他们在阿当就违犯了盟约,在那里已背叛了我。But they, like Adam, have transgressed the covenant, there have they dealt treacherously against me.

但是,在任何有规可依的社会环境中,个体常常发现违犯规则是要付出代价的。But in any social situation with conventions, individuals often find that it pays to break the rules.

她屡次违犯女王定下的礼貌,偷偷跑出西瑞尼亚,去寻觅弗雷德的踪影。She repeatedly violate the queen of polite, set out West Virginia he secretly run, seek Fred in sight.