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提防噱头。Watch out for gimmicks.

它是一个有趣的噱头。It's an interesting gimmick.

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我意识到,理想的美是一种噱头。I realised ideal beauty is a racket.

这次的熊猫捐赠是否只是噱头呢?Or was the panda donation a gimmick?

这样的想法作为炒作的噱头。The idea of laugh uproariously as speculation.

你没有意识到这会是一个很棒的公关噱头?You didn't realize it was going to be a great PR stunt?

而梦境,当然只是电影惯用的一个噱头。Dreams, of course, are a fertile subject for moviemakers.

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上海的城隍庙不过是一个摆设,一个噱头。Shanghai's City God Temple is just a decoration, a stunt.

他只是反英雄剧集的密谋增长的一个噱头。He's the poster boy for a growing cabal of TV anti-heroes.

他不喜欢流行与噱头,他喜欢人们遵从自己的年纪。He didn’t favor trends or gimmicks. He liked people his own age.

我认为搞个老外火炬手实在是为了噱头。I believe the whole thing of foreign torchbearers is just for show.

现在各昆曲剧团试图演出有噱头的剧目来争取关注。Now Kunqu troupes are trying to grab attention with provocative shows.

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硅谷来访似乎像一个噱头,但其却是预见性的。The Silicon Valley visits seemed like a stunt, but they were prophetic.

企业需要手机版网站——它们不仅仅是噱头。Companies need mobile websites — they are no longer mere differentiators.

我要说的是,如果这是一个宣传噱头,就未免相当的尴尬了。I'll say this, if it's a publicity stunt, it's a pretty embarrassing one.

收集黄金的利诱,使他们成为下载噱头在互联网上。Collect golden carrots and turn them into download gimmicks on the Internet.

究竟简单仅仅是一种噱头,抑或是真的有能让事情变得简单的方法?Is this all just hype or is there actually something to this simplicity thing?

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在此同时,右派媒体也已开始重演它们的最大噱头。Meanwhile, the right-wing media are replaying their greatest hits. In the 1990s, Mr.

每个媒体大事件都需要被记者和媒体工作者称为“噱头”的亮点。Every big media event needs what journalists and flacks alike refer to as "the hook."

香港购物商场向来以使用夸张的假日噱头吸引顾客而闻名。Hong Kong shopping malls are known for extravagant gimmicks to lure holiday shoppers.