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恰好在我们的寒假前夕。like right before our winter break.

伊斯兰教希腊文化前夕的埃及。Egypt on the eve of Islam Hellenism.

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他在复活节前夕把这封短简发走了。He dispatched the note on Easter Eve.

这个万圣节前夕的派对非常完美。It was the 'paw-fect' pre-Halloween party.

前夕我们都到祖母家去。On Christmas Eves we go to Grandma's home.

温家宝在五四青年节前夕鼓励学生奋发向上。Wen encourages Chinese youths on Youth Day eve.

我更愿意把它称作外星人的前夕场面。I would call it more of an alien foreplay scene.

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然后在大四的万圣节前夕,我认识了萨姆。Then, on Halloween of my senior year, I met Sam.

不过最美妙的时刻还要数圣诞节前夕。But the best part of Christmas was Christmas Eve.

霍斯战役前夕,卡米和男友举行了他们的婚礼。Camie and Fixer married before the Battle of Hoth.

我们正处在有党派偏见的参院调查的前夕。We were on the ever of a partisan Senate inquisition.

我第一次男扮女装是在一次万圣节前夕。The first time I dressed up as a woman was Hallowe'en.

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赫拉斯和蛇发女怪三姐妹在可怕的万圣节前夕聊八卦。Horace and the Gorgons gossip on the horrible Halloween.

我在写一篇关于毕业前夕的感受的文章。I'm writing an article on the feelings about graduation.

她的皮肤甚至比暴风雨前夕的乌云还要漆黑。Darker Her body gleams even than the darkest storm-cloud.

我在圣诞节前夕离开俄克拉何马大学。I left the University of Oklahoma right before Christmas.

大多数家庭都会有一个大家庭全家将在春节前夕一顿。Most of the families will have a big family get-together.

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番瓜在美国也作为万圣节前夕的装饰品。Pumpkins are used in the U. S. for Halloween decorations.

极右派在大选前夕叛变。The extreme right wing mutinied just before the election.

有些儿童在万圣节前夕用南瓜做灯笼。Some children make lanterns out of pumpkins at Hallowe'en.