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2004年印度洋海啸那会儿,美国撤侨派出了第七舰队,而中国,只派出了一艘货轮。China sent a cargo ship.

那会儿我挺失望的。I was disappointed then.

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我们那会儿都挤在电梯中。The lift was swarmed by us.

上学那会儿,我是个话痨。I was a chatterbox at school.

那会儿我们还是学生。At that time we were students.

我那会儿常和他一起玩牌。I used to play with him a lot.

那会儿,风暴变得越来越猛烈。The storm was stiffening then.

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在我上学的那会儿,我们也有尺子大战呢。In my day, we had ruler fights.

那会儿谁帮你照看孩子们呢?Who held down your children then?

那会儿我还是个孩子,她也未脱稚气。I was a child and she was a child.

那会儿,炽热的岩浆正从我们的身边奔腾而过。The blazing magma was surging by us.

这个星期六晚上。你那会儿有空吗?This Saturday evening.Are you free that time?

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我们约会那会儿我是一个像样的送礼专家。I was a decent gift giver when we were dating.

他不知道他那会儿成了被捉弄的对象。He didn't know he was then an object to be horsed.

她呢,也许知道他那会儿正琢磨她吧。Perhaps she knew that he was thinking of her thus.

“那会儿我正在家里照顾小家伙们”,她说。"I was at home taking care of the kids, " she says.

到那会儿钢的产量将大大增加。By that time the steel output will have greatly increased.

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那会儿,我想他的眼泪就要夺眶而出了。For one moment I thought he was going to burst into tears.

问题是,开派对那会儿,我还得工作。The thing is I have to work at the same time as the party.

可卡默伦只是在门开的那会儿略一抬头,皱了皱眉头。But Cameron just looked up when the door opened and frowned.