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伯莎抑止住逗乐的情绪,开始吃饭。Bertha repressed her gaiety and began to eat.

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我们的房子很小,还不足700平方英尺,我不能抑止的每一次声响她都能听到。Our house is small. Less than 700 square feet.

酒精可以抑止尿酸的排泄。Alcohol can inhabit the excretion of uric acid.

甚至在古巴漫步沙滩时,我还不能抑止地构想开公司的事。even I am beaching Cuba, I am thinking companies to start.

又一阵收缩。我放声呼喊,不能抑止。Another contraction. I was really loud and couldn't help it.

还能够抑止合金钢由于火而惹起的脆性。Can also restrain the alloy steel as the fire caused brittle.

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他使用自然之力去伤害并抑止他的敌人。He uses the power of nature to damage and inhibit his enemies.

中国领导人称,抑止通货膨胀也是头等大事。China's leaders say fighting rising inflation is also a priority.

我带给他我的画作,他见到它们之后不可抑止地大笑。I brought him over to my drawings and he burst out laughing when he saw them.

一天内四处走动一下可以抑止你的烦躁、避免喋喋不休的谈话。Moving around throughout the day can counter a tendency to fidget and chatter.

因为放松了对泡沫的抑止,美国经济将经历一个巨大的衰退。The Anglo-Saxon economies will experience a huge downturn as they unwind the bubble.

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铝棒一般放置在真空中,并保持极低的温度以抑止噪音。The bars are often suspended in a vacuum and kept at low temperatures to reduce noise.

我们的房子很小,还不足700平方英尺,我不能抑止的每一次声响她都能听到。Our house is small. Less than 700 square feet. She heard every sound I couldn't stifle.

我无法抑止自己激昂的呐喊,这让我的马儿奔跑得更快。I couldn't stop myself from letting out a whoop of excitement, which made my horse go faster.

信息定义的标准化可以有效抑止不规范定义的泛滥。Standardization of information definition can check availably non-criterion definition to deluge.

同时,迟早的事情,消费将受到抑止以减少支付亏损。And, sooner or later, spending will have to be restrained to reduce the balance of payments deficit.

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该估计器在适应定子电阻和抑止噪声积累方面优于U—I法。The estimator outperforms the U-I model on stator resistance adaptation and noise accumulation restraint.

他说,“我们发现红辣椒和花椰菜似乎是癌症发展的有效抑止剂”。We discovered that red chili pepper and broccoli appear to be effective inhibitors of the cancer process.

气流入口速度的减小对颗粒被气流夹带出干燥器有显著的抑止作用。When the gas inlet speed decreases, the out entrainment of particle from the drier is suppressed obviously.