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木犀草香味已杳然消失。The perfume of mignonette had departed.

大浪导致翻船,“木犀草号“沉没。Wave hit the ship,and Mignonette went down.

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为木犀科落叶灌木或小乔木。For bush of fallen leaves of sweet-scented osmanthus family or small tree.

木犀科丁香属植物主要分布在中国、朝鲜、日本以及欧洲东南部。Syringa was distributed in China, North Korea, Japan and Southeast Europe.

方法用高效液相色谱法测定木犀草素的含量。Methods The HPLC method was established to determine the content of luteolin.

目的建立独一味微丸中木犀草素含量的测定方法。Objiective To develop a method for the determination of Luteolin in Duyiwei Pellet.

大家逛木犀园一带的服装市场,哪几个楼最值得逛呢?We stroll along the park reseda clothing market, which floor, then go to the most worthy?

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目的建立筋骨草胶囊中木犀草素含量测定方法。Objective Luteolin contents determine method in building the Herba Ajugae gelatin capsules.

目的建立脉舒胶囊中木犀草素的含量测定方法并确定其限度。Objective To establish the assay method and determine the limit of luteolin in Maishu capsules.

具有淡金色的色泽,和典型的麝香葡萄香味。有淡淡的木犀草气息,令人想起春天的花。This wine has a pale-gold colour and typical Muscat bouquet and flavour that reminds of reseda.

目的建立清咽含片中木犀草苷含量的测定方法。Objective To establish a HPLC method for the determination of galuteolin in Qingyan buccal tablets.

最惨绝人寰的海难,“木犀草号“幸存者的骇人经历。A sadder story of disaster at sea was never told than that of the survivors of the yacht, Mignonette.

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据此建立了一种简便、快速测定木犀草素的化学发光新方法。A simple flow injection chemiluminescence method for the determination of luteolin has been developed.

目的优选藏药打箭菊中木犀草素的最佳提取条件。ObjectiveTo optimize the extraction process of Luteolin in Flos Pyrethri Tatsienensis of Tibetan medicine.

对我国8个省、区的120份不同品种、不同类型花生果的壳中木犀草素含量进行了测定。The luteolin content of the 120 peanut hulls samples from 8 provinces and areas of our country was determined.

木犀草素是一种很具有代表性的天然黄酮,在植物界分布较广。Luteolin is a representational and natural flavone, its distribution is very extensive in the vegetable kingdom.

对原产乐清、永嘉以及文成引种的“金银花”进行原植物鉴定,并利用HPLC法对样品绿原酸和木犀草苷含量进行检测。Meanwhile, it also determined the contents of chlorogenic acid and luteolin-7-O-glucoside of flos Lonicerae by using HPLC method.

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木犀草素是广泛存在于蔬菜水果和药用植物中的一种黄酮类物质。Luteolin is one of the most widely found flavones in frequently consumed fruits and vegetables as well as in some medicinal plants.

对仙桃草的主要化学成分木犀草素体外促凝血作用进行初步的探讨,结果木犀草素有较好的促凝血作用。Preliminary studies in vitro blood coagulant effect of the main chemical constituent of Veromica peregri na, luteolin was carried out.

常绿阔叶树有茶科的荷木、豆科的红豆树及木犀科的蜡树等树种。There are Schima superba of Theaceae, Orhsieiof Leguminosae, Ligustrum lucidum of Oleaceae, belonging to evergreen broad- leaved trees.