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但在我而言,上帝心神不宁。But in my case, God was distracted.

我在面谈前总心神不宁。I always get the collywobbles before an interview.

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这些东西很快就变得倒胃口,令人心神不宁。These constructs soon become cloying and distracting.

他心神不宁地慢慢向门口倒退,恨不得一下子化为乌有。He dawdled nervously toward the door , wishing to melt away.

九月的一个星期一的早晨,电话是我母亲打来的,电话中像心神不宁,因为我们家的狗max,刚刚死了。My mom called me one Monday morning in September. She was distraught.

我同屋近几个星期都一直心神不宁的,他在考虑到底要不要向他女朋友求婚。for weeks trying to decide whether to ask his girl friend to marry him.

约会之间的三周里,这挫折让我心神不宁。I became obsessed with this failure during the three weeks between appointments.

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或者,我在自己的脑海里迷了路,被我自己的思绪和浮想搅得心神不宁。Or I'd get lost in my head and get distracted by my own thoughts and daydreams.

大量饮用咖啡能造成神经过敏、心神不宁和心跳加快。Large consumptions of coffee can cause nervousness, jitters and a racing heartbeat.

目的观察安福尔胶囊治疗心络瘀阻、心神不宁型室性早搏的临床疗效和安全性。Objective To observe the effect of Andyer capsule in treatment of sinus bradycardia.

唐糖问唐正程超群会不会出了意外,自己一整天都心神不宁的。Tang sugar asked Tang Zhengcheng supergroup will be out of the accident, her upset all day.

为什么海洋对二氧化碳吸收的速率让海洋科学家心神不宁呢?Why is the rate of carbon being absorbed by the oceans so disturbing for marine scientists?

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当我们受其他的人或事干扰,觉得心神不宁时,如何持守那份孤独呢?How can we stay in solitude when we feel that deep urge to be distracted by people and events?

一位心神不宁,为人真诚的年轻男人似乎被卷入了她编织的网里,这个年轻男人同样有着晦涩的过去。A restless, but sincere young man with an equally obscure past is seemingly drawn into her web.

在从前摆放椅子的地方,现在却摆放着鸡笼,从前椅子上坐着安详的农夫,而现在鸡笼里却养着心神不宁的母鸡。Distracted hens in coops occupied spots where formerly stood chairs supporting sedate agriculturists.

这事让我心神不宁,唉,在这个节骨眼上,我想我们还是得认真对待,小心为妙。I'm pretty disturbed by it, yeah, eh, I think at this point we have to take these things fairly seriously.

苦恼、心神不宁,都是修持过程中必然出现的,不要认为是坏事。The feelings of being upset or uneasy are sure to appear in the process. Don't think of it as something bad.

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我同屋近几个星期都一直心神不宁的,他在考虑到底要不要向他女朋友求婚。My roommate has been walking the floor for weeks trying to decide whether to ask his girl friend to marry him.

程卉卉被病魔折磨得心神不宁,她担心自己牵连童小春,于是主动提出分手。Cheng Hui plants was upset with the disease, she worries about his involvement TongXiaoChun, then offered to break up.

恰恰是这些我们要弃绝东西——疲惫,心神不宁,满身的尘土——把我们带到主的台前。The very thing we try to get rid of-our weariness, our distractedness, our messiness-is what gets us in the front door!