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这幅才是唐伯虎的真迹,皇爷。This is the painting by Tong Pak Fu.

这幅画无疑是真迹。The painting is undoubtedly authentic.

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由专家确认该画是否为真迹。Experts vouch for the painting's authenticity.

他把那幅画冒充塞尚的真迹卖掉了。He palmed off the painting as a genuine Cezanne.

你无论怎么样也不会得到一幅毕加索的真迹。You can't get an original Picasso for love nor money.

大多数历史家承认了这些文件乃为真迹。Most historians accept that the documents are authentic.

专家已经确认了该画是真迹。The experts have vouched for the painting's authenticity.

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能看到郑板桥的真迹我们太有眼福了。We are so lucky to be able to see an authentic work of his.

安石发现画作伪造,要马上寻找真迹。Ashmore discovered by forging, immediately to find authentic.

那幅油画是毕加索的真迹还是现代仿制品?。Is that an authentic painting from Piccaso, or a modern copy?

这个风景很美。我想知道这是真迹还是印刷品。This landscape is lovely. I wonder if it's original or a print.

专家证明这是拜伦的真迹。Experts have authenticated the writing as that of Byron himself.

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笔迹专家证实该签名为真迹无讹。The handwriting expert attested to the genuineness of the signature.

马庆福真迹,可接受有关部门鉴定。Ma Qingfu authentic, relevant departments of acceptable identification.

完成的作品,从表面上看类似董、唐真迹,不露破绽。Completed works, the surface, similar Dong Tang authentic, do not reveal flaws.

今天,你可以在唐人街买到与真迹相同的“梵高”。Today, you could buy the same "Van Gogh" in Chinatown for the price of a frame.

他在父亲房屋的地下室里找到了一幅毕加索的真迹。He found an original drawing of Picasso's in the basement of his father's house.

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王羲之已经没有真迹传世了,现在传世的都是钩填本。The authentic copies of Wang Hsi-chih's calligraphy are no longer available now.

仔细研究一下这幅画,就能看出它是赝品还是真迹。A careful examination of the painting could tell whether it is an original or a copy.

这幅画是凡·高的真迹还是赝品,需由专家来鉴定。An expert was needed to authenticate the original Van Gogh painting from his imitation.