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把马车打发掉!Dismiss the carriage!

马车停下来,他被抓住了。It stopped. He was caught.

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他乘单座二轮马车进城了。He went to town by a sulky.

送葬马车有几辆?How many coacher shall I have?

他父亲经营着一个马车出租店。His father kept a livery stable.

马车已经过时。Horse carriages are obsolescent.

怎么早没想到呢?他们都奔向马车。Why had it not occurred to them?

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租上一辆马车,花上六十戈比。Go rent a buggy. For six grivnas.

如果你有一辆四轮马车,带上它。If you have a carriage, bring it.

这一幅是公共马车遭到袭击Here's the attack on a stagecoach.

现在,只有三辆马车摆在线的那端。Only three cabs stood in line now.

那是一辆由8匹白马所拉的马车。It was drawn by eight white horses.

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后来,有辆马车紧擦着她身边过去。Then, a carriage came close to her.

先生,您的马车已套好了。Your carriage has been hitched,Sir.

一辆马车半小时前曾经过这里。Stagecoach pass about half hour ago.

马车沿车路滚动而行。The carriage rolled along the drive.

他把马套到四轮马车上。An ox pulls a wagon into the village.

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内拉看见她叫了一辆有车厢的马车。Nella saw her call a closed carriage.

我们的马车在暴风雪中缓慢地往家走。Our chaise slugged home in the storm.

马车在崎岖不平的道路上颠簸行进。The cart jolted along the rough road.