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他那苍白而布有皱纹的面孔和浓密而飘拂的头发。His pale lined face and luxuriant flowing hair.

我凌空飞升,我飘拂在你那爱的疆域,啊,男人。I ascend, I float in the regions of your love O man.

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她的黑发散乱地飘拂在宽阔的脑门子上。Her dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead.

一大朵白云从她的身边飘拂而过,她微笑着看了一眼琳娜。A big white cloud passed behind her and Jessica smiled down to Leanna.

我就像秋天里的一片残云,无助地飘拂在空中。I am like a remnant of a cloud of autumn uselessly roaming in the sky.

她裹上飘拂的长袍,转身背对著自己的母亲。She wrapped her flowing robes about her and turned away from her mother.

晚风轻拂,拨动着高涨的火焰,如同一展燃烧的旗帜一般,飘拂着。A thin night-wind sprang up, setting the high flames whipping like a burning pennant.

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夏天的太阳下,云朵飘拂,云影在树林和仙灵的营寨上移动。Clouds passed beneath the summer sun, rolling their shadows through the trees and across the faery camp.

报道了山东莎草科一新记录植物―拟二叶飘拂草。Fimbristylis diphylloides Makino is reported as a newly recorded plant of the family Cyperaceae from Shandong in this paper.

他年过六十,有一把像米开朗琪罗的摩西雕像那样的大胡子,这胡子长在一个像半人半兽的森林之神的头颅上,又鬈曲地飘拂在小鬼似的身躯上。He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelo's Moses beard curling down from the head of a satyr along with the body of an imp.

外界的一阵微风,人生的一线微光,一时曾在那冷却了的冰透了的脸上飘拂过去,但是一切又随即消逝了,疯人又成了尸体。A breath from the outer world, a flash of life, had passed for an instant across that cold and lifeless face and had then vanished, and the mad woman had become a corpse again.

真想问一问,你是从故乡飘拂过来的吗?古今往来,朵朵白云上,总镌刻着故土情、游子意,任凭风雨的侵蚀,却永远是那样的清晰。I really want to ask, are you from her hometown. ? Smallest, white clouds, always engraved with the native affection, wanderer, despite wind and rain erosion, but always is so clear.