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我没有注意到,直到我看到了知情同意。I didn't notice until I saw the pic.

但是大多数人并不知情。But most people didn't know about it.

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哪些人对地球孪星知情?Who is aware of the Earth's dead twin?

18岁的人能够给予知情同意吗?Can an 18-year-old give informed consent?

爱过知情重,醉过知酒浓。Loved informed heavy, thick wine Zuiguo know.

别问爱有多深,爱过方知情重。Do not ask how deep love, loved to re-informed.

事实上,一个人可以在不知情的情况下已经感染。In fact, a person may have an STD without knowing it.

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毫不知情的昆兰·沃斯踏上了基费克斯星的土地。Quinlan Vos knew none of this as he set foot on Kiffex.

你非常容易在不知情的情况下触犯法律。You could easily break one of our laws and not know it.

知情同意权是病人的一项基本权利。Informed consent is one of the basic rights of patients.

她当时的男友耸肩表示不知情。Her then-boyfriend shrugged and said he hadn’t seen them.

爱过才知痛滋味,痛过才知情可贵。Love you only know pain, pain just close to the valuable.

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法律还规定,而那些知情不报者也将被判罪。The law would also make it a crime not toreport gay people.

不过知情人士仍两大公司的合并会下去。But insiders still reckon the two mega-mergers will go ahead.

如果海格在保密这件事上并不知情,他怎么救出哈利?How could Hagrid rescue Harry, if he wasn't in on the secret?

患者知情同意权是医患关系中最基础和最核心的权利。Informed consent is the most basic and key right of patients.

陪着不知情的杰姬在医院等候音讯。Accompany unwitting Jackie in hospital waiting for thereafter.

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醉过才知酒好,爱过才知情浓。Drunk before they know the wine is good, love only know thick.

知情人士说,肯恩没有被重新雇用。Ms. Khan wasn't rehired, said a person familiar with the matter.

王春知情后,几次上门探访,都遭到断然拒绝。Wang informed, the number of home visits and have been rebuffed.