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他这几天打算清理地里的麦茬儿。He is going to clear away wheat stubble in the field.

小麦茬子堆在了田埂边上。He piled the wheat stubble along the ridge of the fields.

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魔鬼来了,他发现除了麦茬之外,什么都没有。他怒气冲冲地下到了岩石的裂缝里。When the devil came, he found nothing but the stubble, and went away in a fury down into a cleft in the rocks.

稻茬田土壤抗机械强度随含水量变化的曲线的坡度很大,麦茬田则较小。The mechanical strength of paddy soil in rice stubble field changed greatly with changing soil moisture content.

麦茬的存在造成了免耕田控制杂草使用过量除草剂。Winter wheat stubble is the main reason that causes the use of over dosages of herbicide in zero tillage fields.

研究了不同兑水量情况下,除草剂在免耕麦茬土壤表面和麦茬上的沉积规律。The study of herbicide deposition on soil surface and wheat stubble in different wheat mulch conditions is conducted.

就像置身的这颗蓝色星球,人会像麦茬一样自生自灭,它的转动却从来不用情。Living on this blue planet that rotates automatically, human emerges of itself and again perish of itself like stubbles.

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在本试验条件下,麦茬水稻免耕技术适宜于不同施氮水平和施肥方法采用。The ploughing-free technology was suitable for different methods of applying fertilizer and levels of applying nitrogen.

同时对油菜根系分泌物进行了分离鉴定和生物学特性测试以及麦茬复种饲料油菜的生长特性进行了研究。Root exudation of rape were identified, and biological characteristics of rape were tested by water-culture and germinations.

采用裂裂区试验设计,对丘陵区麦茬水稻免耕技术进行了研究。The ploughing-free technology of planting ride after wheat in hill-region was studied by means of the split-split plot design.

为进一步挖掘生产潜力,增加经济效益,进行了麦茬复种青贮玉米栽培试验研究与推广。The cultivation of silage corn on wheat stubble land was conducted and extended in order to release productive potential and increase economic benefit.

因为柴油车辆废气、施工建设以及城市周边农场燃烧麦茬等污染源,新德里正经历严重的大气污染。Delhi is experiencing hazardous levels of pollution due to diesel emissions, construction dirt and the burning of crop stubble in farms around the city.

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园盘犁系列产品主要用于旱作区熟地或生地的耕翻作业,特别适合耕翻高产绿肥田及稻麦茬的回田,它具有阻力小、操作方便等特点。The disc plough products are mainly used for tillage on dry cultivated or fallow land , especially on high yield's manure land , wheat and rice stubble fields.

适宜在津、京、唐稻区作一季稻栽培,在河北省南部、河南、山东做麦茬稻栽培。Jinxing No. 4 is suited to be planted as one-season rice in Tianjin, Beijing and Tangshan rice region, and as wheat batch rice in the south of Hebei, Henan and Shandong.

探讨了不同肥密因素下分期青刈、麦茬复种与常规种植饲用杂交甜高粱的产量变化。The variation of the amount of hybrid sweet sorghum with harvest by stages, multiple cropping of wheat stubble, and usual planting with different kinds of fertilization was studied.

本圆盘犁使用于旱作区熟地或荒的耕翻作业,特别适用于耕翻高产绿肥田及稻麦茬的回田。The disc plough is used for tillage on dry cultivated or fallow land, especially on high yield's manure and virgin land. Good pass ability and penetration, complete inversion and coverage.

盆栽试验结果表明,不同时期施用氮肥对麦茬稻生长发育和产量有明显影响。The result of pot incubation experiment stated that the effect of using nitrogen fertilizer in different stages was significant to the growth, the deve1oPment and the yield of rice after wheat.