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令我激动与心跳。So excited and palpitate.

我听到他们的心跳声。I heard their heart beats.

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我感觉到了我的心跳。Yeah, I feel my heartbeat.

小婴儿的心跳是比较快的。Babie's heart beats are faster.

痴心人的时候,我最为心跳。Of the weak my heart is weakest.

接著,海岭的心跳减慢。Then Herring's heartbeat slowed.

动物的寿命大约是十亿次心跳的时间。A lifespan is a billion heartbeats.

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每次遇见你时,我都心跳如麻!My heart beats whenever I meet you.

心动描记器上标明心跳次数。A cardiograph records the heartbeat.

他因激动而心跳得厉害。His heart fluttered with excitement.

我觉得头昏眼花、心跳加速。I feel woozy, and my heart is racing.

我们应当按着心跳来计算时间。We should count time by heart-throbs.

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我放声歌唱,哦,我听到了你的心跳。I know the memories rushing into mind.

“扑通”的声音是你的心跳。The "lub-dup" sound is your heartbeat.

亲吻你的时候,激烈的心跳声。The strong heart beat when I kiss you.

他们的心跳甚至都是同步的。Their heartbeats can even synchronize.

门开时,我几乎停止了心跳。When the door opened, my heart stopped.

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这感觉就像心跳频率被毫不犹豫的吃定。Feeling like kanye ate away heart rates?

过去多日了仍然为此心跳。To still be palpitate after all of days.

我心跳一下停止了,发生了什么?My heart stops. What could have happened?