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别劝酒,不要以为你喜欢喝我就喜欢喝。Do no inflict your favorite drinks on me.

嘉绒藏族是一个能歌善舞的民族,以歌舞敬酒、劝酒。Jiarong Tibetan nationality is a people being good at dancing and singing.

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这在西方人的眼中是非常不解的,为什么一定要劝酒?Which in the eyes of Westerners, is very puzzling, why must urging people to drink?

她的父亲六十多岁,主人,他在饭桌上几乎没吃,只是隔一会儿就端起酒杯劝酒。Her father was over 60 years old. He didn't eat much but was constantly proposing a toast.

落日时分我解鞍驻马在芳草萋萋的河岸,虽有花枝却无人佩戴,虽有美酒却无人劝酒把盏,纵然醉了也无人照管。The solution of saddle grass bank. The flower is no one to wear, the wine is no one to persuade, and no one is drunk.

你也许又不同的看法,但我不喜欢劝酒,尤其时在宴会上更加如此。You may have a different opinion about it , but I hate the idea of urging people to drink . especially at a dinner party.

在西餐宴会上,人们是只祝酒不劝酒,只敬酒而不真正碰杯的。At a western meal party, people are that wish alcoholic not to advise alcoholic, toasts but the anti Be real to touch a cup.

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而他则不断劝酒劝菜,昨天星期天还不辞辛劳地带我赶赴一个又一个的约会,乘着小黄东颠西跑了整整一天。He spent an entire day – a Sunday – guiding me from appointment from appointment, despite the discomforts of riding in Miss Daisy.

她的父亲六十多岁,作为主人,他在饭桌上几乎没吃什么,只是隔一会儿就端起酒杯劝酒。The girl who invited me was my colleague. Her father was over 60 years old. He didn't eat much but was constantly proposing a toast.

“度”要求喝酒吃饭要有度,不能暴饮暴食,更不能劝酒无度,置人于醉。"degree" eat and drink have a degree requirement , not overeating, not urging people to drink excessive, and placing people in drunk.

其次是人们劝酒的方式变得更随和了,不再坚持要灌醉对方。Moreover, the ways of making toasts are becoming more flexible, instead of the old-fashioned persistence of making the counterparts drunk.

以酒论英雄,对酒量大的人还可以,酒量小的就犯难了,有时过分地劝酒,会将原有的朋友感情完全破坏。In wine by the hero, the drinker can also, a little on the fix, sometimes excessive urging people to drink, old friends will be completely destroyed.

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面对着岁月摆下的筵席,我们相互微笑殷勤地劝酒,仿佛所有没说的爱恋与不舍,都收藏在语句的背后。In the face of the years placed under the table, we smile at each other politely urges to drink, as if all did not say love and sadness, were collected in sentence behind.

当你说你在吃药,节食减肥或有胃溃疡不能喝或许会能避开劝酒,但最好还是有个二套方案。While saying you are taking medicine, having a slimming diet or just found out you have a stomach ulcer might work at times, it's better to come up with a fool-proof strategy.

悟空三人发现没有了师父,便追到无底洞,悟空变作一只小虫飞往洞中,他见女妖正给唐僧劝酒,逼唐僧与她成婚,又忙变成一只老鹰,直扑过去,掀翻桌子,女妖吓得胆颤心惊。He saw that the evil spirit was urging his master to drink wine so he would get drunk and agree to marry her. Then Monkey changed himself into an eagle to turn the table upside down.

世界粮食计划署说人们正遭受了结合起来的因素,包括高额的食物价格,劝酒金融危机,失业和一再发生的作物减产。The World Food Program says people are suffering from a combination of factors, including high food prices, the global financial crisis, unemployment and the recurrent poor food crops. W. F.

在酒桌上往往会遇到劝酒的现象,有的人总喜欢把酒场当战场,想方设法劝别人多喝几杯,认为不喝到量就是不实在。In a table they often encounter the phenomenon, some people always like wine field when the battlefield, try various devices to urge others to drink a few cups, think not to drink is not really.