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警方抓获了一名异邦间谍。The police had captured a foreign spy.

为向异邦报仇雪耻,为向列国进攻袭击。To execute vengeance upon the nations, chastisements among the people.

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先知说,不然,主要藉异邦人的嘴唇,和外邦人的舌头,对这百姓说话。For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.

射手座最容易受到来自异邦事件的吸引。For Sagittarius it is most easily attracted by something from a foreign land.

跳蚤于是便投效一个异邦兵团。据说它在当兵时阵亡了。And the Flea went into foreign military service, where it is said he was killed.

先知说,不然,主要藉异邦人的嘴唇,和外邦人的舌头,对这百姓说话。Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this people.

昔日的一个月中,大量异邦公司成为被洗劫的对象。A large number of foreign companies have been the target of looting in the past month.

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走上冬季运动这条路有些不同寻常,因为冬季运动对娅斯敏的父母来说算是异邦情调。It has been an unusual journey to winter sports, which were exotic for Yasmin’s parents.

上主使异邦的计划无绪,使万民的策略废去。The Lord frustrates the plans of the nations and brings to nothing the peoples' designs.

虽然我们一般忽视这异邦文明对我们的恩惠,但它给予我们的贡献已成为我们的传统。Although we are often unaware of our indebtedness to this other civilization, its gifts are very much a part of our heritage.

这在某种情形下取决于他们的信仰,或因他们缺乏信仰,这很重要,他们因此分别被指代异教徒、异族人和异邦人。In some cases it was their religion, or lack of it, that was significant, and they were referred to as pagans, heathen, or gentiles.

比如,特纳指出,马太希望使早期基督徒相信,耶稣出生不仅是为了犹太人的福祉,也是为了异邦人的福祉。For instance, Turner says, Matthew wants to convince early Christians that Jesus' birth is not just for the Jews, but for Gentiles, too.

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他甚至可能会反对用这个词,因为这意味着他所做的事并不单纯是,把异邦人带进以色列。He probably would have rejected it because that would imply that he was doing something else besides just bringing the Gentiles into Israel.

几百年来,上帝一直容忍,不降罚于祂的百姓,免得异邦说上帝不能搭救他们。For centuries, the Lord was longsuffering and spared His people from the judgment they deserved, lest the Gentiles say that He could not save them.

但不管有意还是无意,如果人们意识到了非零和博弈后,他们就会更开放的对待异邦的宗教。But whether the calculation is conscious or not, people are more open to the religious beliefs of other people if they sense a non-zero-sum dynamic.

它们像是从遥远的奇乡异邦搬来的古董,我们对于那些地方并无确定的知识,只有模糊而空幻的想像。They are like objects from some strange and distant land of which we have no certain knowledge, and about which all our conceptions are vague and visionary.

罗马以君临天下的征服者姿态环视各地,遥远的疆域、异邦野兽、罪犯、蛮夷、奴隶、基督徒,罗马一声令下就灰飞烟灭。Rome was the all powerful conqueror of all she surveyed, far flung lands, exotic beasts, criminals, barbarians, slaves, Christians all would perish at her command.

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而当他真正回国的时候,看着人群、店铺,和一栋栋简洁、现代的楼群建筑,却仿佛有种“身在异邦”的感觉。And when he goes back to the motherland truly, look at crowd, shop, mix a concise, modern Louqun building, as if however gutty " be in personally foreign country " feeling.

此类盛气凌人之策无益于天朝之对外形象,但于朝内,却能加强民众对天朝的支持,天朝媒体也对反抗异邦之强权极尽能事。Such bullying tactics may not help China's image abroad, but they have reinforced support at home for the party, which the state media is keen to portray as standing up to foreign powers.

中国的自豪,世界的奇迹。古老的防御高墙,今天迎来送往的不仅仅是它几个世纪以来看惯了的黄皮肤、黑眼睛的龙的传人,更有来自异邦的快乐游人。China's pride and the world's wonder—the Great Wall. is welcoming and Seeing off not only descendants of the dragon who have been visiting for centuries, but also happy tourists from abroad.