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为相爱和海誓山盟而干杯。Drink toasts of love and commitment.

不需要海誓山盟,因为那些都很假。I love you and would never leave you.

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他们海誓山盟地久天长。They vowed their love would endure forever.

我们互许海誓山盟,以吻封住誓言。Let's take a lover's vow and then seal it with a kiss.

曾经的海誓山盟,还是抵不过利益的诱惑!Once a solemn, or against the temptation of interest but!

两情相悦海誓山盟没有任何杂质的感情。The two lovers exchange solemn vows and pledges without any impurity.

那些海誓山盟,你只是随便一说,可我没有随便一听。You just said that exchange solemn vows and pledges, but I did not listen.

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如果你只把它当成一种海誓山盟的话,那爱情一定会走。If you take it as a promise that never change, your love will walk away definitely!

“我们为什么不结婚呢?”想起他的海誓山盟,她不禁问道。"Why don't we get married?" she inquired, thinking of the voluble promises he had made.

而今,那曾经炙热的海誓山盟,那柔情似水的思春之萌。Now, the once hot exchange solemn vows and pledges, the tender spring fever of adorable.

真心相爱的人才会懂,什么叫海誓山盟永不分离。True love will understand, what is the exchange solemn vows and pledges never separated.

虽然有海誓山盟,终究抵不过时间的磨蚀。Though having exchanging solemn vows and pledges, support the abrasion not going over time after all.

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诺基亚过去虽然也曾经有表示过会用Maemo平台开发多款手机,但这些言论全部都是在他们与Intel定下有关MeeGo系统的海誓山盟之前说出来的。Nokia had previously said it would use Maemo on a small number of phones, but this predated news of the MeeGo OS.

一个诚挚的微笑,一次心灵的碰撞,哪怕寂然无声,也远胜过雷声般虚张声势的海誓山盟。A sincere smile and a spiritual impact, even silent, far better than Thunder Bluff exchange solemn vows and pledges.

选择了Ta就要给Ta幸福,不要为了一点小事情,一句伤人的话,而放弃了曾经海誓山盟的誓言。Ta Ta would have chosen to happiness, not to little things, an assault case, and vows to give up the promised eachother.

你是我的唯一,就像你是我的开始是一样的道理,就像你是我的海誓山盟一样的存在。You are my only, just like you is my beginning is the same way, just like you is my vows of eternal love the same exist.

在失败中,才明白在现实面前,爱情或感情,什么海誓山盟。都显的那么苍白无力。In the failure, they would understand the real face of love or emotional, what Haishishanmeng. Are explicit so pale and weak.

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我们受邀共同感受他们的海誓山盟,在这个欢乐的场合给予他们祝福。We have been invited to share in their Commitment they make to each other. They ask for your blessing on this joyful occasion.

当两人初遇之时,他们分别伴在他人身旁,都曾有过海誓山盟,但始终因害怕被束缚而离开恋人。When they met both were involved with other people whom they swore they loved, but kept leaving out of fear of being confined.

曾经的海誓山盟都已淡漠,两人牵手真的已走到尽头?Once a solemn pledge of love has been already indifferent, did two persons lead along by hand and really already go to the end?