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找不到资讯储存库执行个体丛集资源。Could not locate the Exchange Information Store for '.

偏头痛和丛集性头痛是血管型头痛。Migraine and cluster headaches are vascular headaches.

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丛集信箱伺服器物件与目标电脑的版本不相容。The version of ' is inconsistent with the version of '.

内含完整的丛集和抄写功能。It includes full Flexible Grid and cluster capabilities.

将图形配置变更为树状配置或快速丛集配置。Change the graph layout to tree layout or quick clusters layout.

您曾经有过坏轨、坏丛集或磁区错误的经验吗?Are you experiencing bad sectors, clusters or partitioning errors?

染色体中有关O抗原合成的基因丛集成簇。Genes related to O-antigen syntheses in chromosome are gathered in cluster.

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询问任何一个丛集性头痛的患者,他们都会告诉你这种疼痛是很可怕的。Ask anyone with a cluster headache, and they will tell you that the pain is terrible.

俄亥俄州的克里夫兰医院说丛集性头痛比偏头痛更频繁疼痛的。The Cleveland Clinic in Ohio says the cluster headache can be many times more intense than a migraine.

定义开丛为串空间图的构造单元,并在开丛集上定义前缀算子和组合算子。And the two operators such as prefixing and parallel composition over the set of open bundles are defined.

是多危险丛集综合征如代谢综合征的关键代谢异常,与病人增加的心血管危险性相关。IR is the key abnormality of metabolic syndrome and is related to the increasing cardiovascular risk of patients.

为因应趋势及测试LVS在多媒体串流方面的支援,故于网页丛集系统中加入串流服务。To fit the current trend and test the multimedia streaming support of LVS, we add streaming service into web cluster system.

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包含抄写和部分丛集功能,以及自动化功能可消除系统故障并提高效能。Includes replication and some clustering capabilities and autonomic features that eliminate system failures and improve performance

本文报道硝苯吡啶治疗偏头痛病人30例,包括典型偏头痛、普通型偏头痛与丛集性头痛患者。The effect of treatment with nifedipine in 30 cases of migraine was studied, including typical and common migraine and cluster headache.

每个集群维护着一个包含在此丛集中的记录的B型树。而各种相连的集群一起组成了一个统一的B型树。Each cluster maintains a B-Tree of the records contained in that cluster and a unified B-Tree is constructed by linking clusters together.

在小鼠身上,GABAA受体中突触的丛集,为gamma2次单元而异型接合的是减少的,主要在海马回和大脑皮质上。Synaptic clustering of GABAA receptors in mice heterozygous for the gamma2 subunit was reduced, mainly in hippocampus and cerebral cortex.

对发震系统的内部时间给出了定义,并研究了地震丛集的非线性时间结构特征。In addition, internal time of earthquake generation system is defined and the nonlinear characteristics of earthquake clustering are studied.

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眼见吴三桂只须一声令下,房内三人身上矛箭丛集,顷刻间便都变得刺猬一般。Every weapon was aimed into the room. One command from the Satrap, and the three of them would become human hedgehogs , bristling with arrows and spears.

从断层间相互作用的角度分析了大陆强震准周期丛集复发行为的可能的物理机制。From the viewpoint of fault interaction, the possible physical mechanism of the quasi-periodically clustering recurrence behavior of continental strong earthquakes is discussed.

结果表明,模型的地震序列很好地反映了实际地震的丛集特性、幂律关系和空间转移概率的稳定性等特点。The results show that the clustering, frequency-magnitude power law relation and spatial transfer probability of synthetic earth-quakes are consistent with the actual earthquakes.