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突然的浪漫关系可能是短寿命会夭亡。Sudden romantic connections may be short lived.

但这样的夭亡会给父母留下很深的情感创疤。But such a death will leave deep emotional scars with the parents.

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在夭亡婴儿的肺和脾内可以检测出大量的上述细菌。Most of the bacteria were detected in the babies' lungs and spleens.

自幼体弱,医生们都指出她活不长久,结果十三岁时便夭亡。Doctors projected she would not live long, and she died of illness at the age of 13.

久坐不动的生活方式会增加患衰老相关疾病和夭亡的可能性。A sedentary lifestyle increases the propensity to aging-related diseases and premature death.

不要忘了,通常越小的龟龟越容易在冬眠中夭亡。Remember that in general the smaller the tortoise the more likely it is to end up as a hibernation casualty.

在手术室中Bennie因为失血过多而不幸夭亡,而与此同时,整个外科手术团队正在竭尽全力完成手术。Bennie bleeds to death in the operating room while the surgical team tries desperately to complete the operation.

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我在写作园地的一隅立足于自己的角落,用自己的笔讲述黎巴嫩被奥斯曼帝国占领的时期我们村的孩子不幸夭亡的故事。In my writing corner of the world, I penned stories of children dying during the Ottoman siege of our village in Lebanon.

一项环球报道称,如今,比起孩童时期,青少年时期和早期成年期似乎更易夭亡。Premature deaths are now more likely to occur in adolescence and early adulthood than in childhood, a new global report claims.

调查还称,15-24岁的年轻男性比1-4岁的男孩儿更容易夭亡,比例约为3倍。Young men aged 15-24 are now two to three times more likely to die prematurely than young boys aged one to four, the researchers claim.

研究人员说,更令人惊讶的也许是,因常见的呼吸道疾病和感染等而请病假也和夭亡风险正相关。Perhaps more surprisingly, absences due to common respiratory conditions and infections were also associated with an increased risk of death, the researchers said.

而我的外祖母,除了夭亡的一个和几次流产,最后还剩下九个孩子。她寡居之后,就献身于妇女的高等教育事业。My maternal grand mother, after having nine children who survived, one who died in infancy and many miscarriages, as soon as she became a widow, devoted herself to woman's higher education.

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他们可爱的儿子小云意外夭亡,从此梅子沉浸在悲痛中无法自拔,精神恍惚,独自在家时经常能听到儿子的声音,并看到他的身影。Die young of their lovely son Xiaoyun accident, from now on plum is enmeshed in bitterness cannot extricate oneself, absentminded, often can hear the son's voice when the home alone, see his figure.