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“我需要帮助,”我悄声说。“I need help” I whispered.

她是悄声说的,所以我没有听见。She said it in a whisper, so I didn't hear.

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“可我们什么也没做,”海蒂悄声说。“But we didn’t do anything, ” Hattie whispered.

“他说得比我象样,”约翰·惠普尔悄声说。"He speaks better than I do, " John Whipple whispered.

我悄声告诉大哥,可不巧,这时候监工经过。I whispered to my brother as the slavedriver passed by.

我后面的女人,不知道是谁,悄声说着镇静药。The woman behind me, whoever she is, whispers about sedatives.

事实上他在我的耳边悄声说着“买吧”,但我没有听他的。In effect Murph whispered "buy" into my ear. But I didn't listen.

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同时,我的朋友和家庭成员已经悄声无息地在囤积婴儿了。Meanwhile, my friends and family were quietly stockpiling babies.

他们是否在草泽里悄声议论那些青蛙私生子。Whether they whisper to each other in swamps about illegitimate frogs.

耳畔时时飞进欢声徜徜,悄声呢呢清笑朗朗。The ears often fly into laughter was about, whispered. It clear laughter ringing.

“乔治,乔治,”达林太太悄声说,“别忘了我告诉你的那个男孩的事。”"George, George, " Mrs. Darling whispered, "remember what I told you about that boy."

当我们目瞪口呆看着那些起伏不定的经济数字时,另一组不同的数字从我们身旁悄声而过。As we goggle at the fluttering financial figures, a different set of numbers passes us by.

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正当我陷入无尽的自责和懊悔时,车驶到一处干涸的河床里突然停了下来,“他们要杀我们了”,塔赫尔在我耳边悄声说道,“完了,他们肯定打算在这儿杀死我们了!We reached a dry riverbed and the car stopped. “They’re going to kill us, ” Tahir whispered.

于是踏便向它身旁和它一模一样的另一个黏土器皿悄声问到,“为什么他们把我放在这里?So it whispered to another vessel of clay, like itself, close beside it, "Why have they set me here?

“就好像是他来到,朝每个人的耳朵里悄声说出了一个梦”布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀回忆道。"It was like he came along and whispered some dream in everybody's ear, " recalled Bruce Springsteen.

这次,换成另一个传令官了,他又在对妈妈悄声耳语了。This time, it was anothermessenger. The messenger once again whispered something quietly into Mother’sear.

如果你的人物们躲在窗帘后面悄声说话,让他们听到外面有声音时突然暂停下来。If they're speaking in hushed tones behind a curtain, have a pause when they hear someone on the other side.

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说话的人悄声的说。然后声音又变大了,说珍法丽儿那个发型简直是丢脸丢到家了!Said the whispers, and then became voices again to say that Jane Farrier was a perfect disgrace the way she did her hair.

重要的是,菲茨杰拉德选择了敲锣打鼓地为他的出场大造声势,却在介绍时偃旗息鼓般地悄声低语。Significantly, Fitzgerald opts to trumpet his presence with a lavish fanfare and then introduces him with barely a murmur.

人群很安静。一个女孩悄声说,“我希望不会是南西,”而这低语声竟传到了人群的最后。The crowd was quiet. A girl whispered, "I hope it's not Nancy, " and the sound of the whisper reached the edges of the crowd.