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他经营皮货。He deals in furs.

还是别想着开什么皮货店了。I'd better not open any shop.

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他们做皮货生意。They trade in furs and skins.

强盗们抢劫了一大批的皮货。The robbers put the arm on a big load of furs.

他们在手工艺品交易会上看皮货了吗吗?。Did they look at leather goods in the craft fair?

他们在手工艺品交易会上看皮货了吗?Did they look at leather goods in the craft fair ?

该店计划在春节之后削减皮货的价格。The shop plans to slash fur prices after Spring Festival.

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在气候炎热的国家里销售皮货是不会有前途的。There's no future in trying to sell furs in a hot country.

在气候炎热的国家里销售皮货是不会有前途的。There is no future in trying to sell furs in a hot country.

这个手艺人是做皮货的。This craftsman works in leather, IE makes leather goods, etc.

我们拥有的只是西蒙·芬奇,一个来自康沃尔郡,兼做皮货生意的江湖郎中,只有吝啬能战胜他的虔诚。All we had was Simon Finch, a fur-trapping apothecary from Cornwall whose piety was exceeded only by his stinginess.

上列有首饰、金子、皮货、手表、烛台、照相机、自来水笔等,一律用工整的德文逐项列记并标明价格。There are inventories of jewels, gold, furs, watches, candlesticks, cameras, fountain pens itemized and priced in neat German.

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那可多了。我国出口大量木材、羊毛、皮货和羊肉。您喜欢什么商品?There are so many goods. Our country exports huge quantities of timber, wool, leather and mutton. Which commodity would you prefer?

皮货的销量在这次衰退中保持稳定,尤其是在亚洲,新的分店不断开张,帮助这家时装公司在今年的销售实现增长。Leather goods are holding up relatively well in the recession, especially in Asia where new stores are opening, helping the fashion house boost sales this year.