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他过着隐姓埋名的生活。He was living under an assumed name.

我只想像一个孤魂一样,完完全全地隐姓埋名。I just wanted to be a ghost, completely anonymous.

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直到我们取得了成就时,我想说,那就让我们隐姓埋名地去生活吧。Till we can achieve something, let us live incognito , say I.

有一个叫无三的孩子出身贱民,只好隐姓埋名进了寺院。An underclass boy named Wusan entered a monastery without revealing his status.

为保护其研究员身份,工作人员已经隐姓埋名。The names of workers at the site have been changed to protect their identities.

你准备好改变你的生活并且隐姓埋名的在街上走么?Q. Are you ready to change your life and not be able to walk in the street incognito ?

隐姓埋名的原因也许是名字被用于巫术。The reason for keeping personal names secret is that one's name can be used in sorcery.

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我们逃吧,去一个小镇上隐姓埋名,姓过无忧无虑的生活。We can flee, go to a small town and change our names. We can live freely without worries.

和近乎隐姓埋名工作的蔡丰安不同,身在台北的陈致远生活在众目睽睽之下。Unlike Tsai, who works in relative anonymity, Chen Chih-yuan lives in Taipei in plain sight.

这件事情是CIA一名已退休并隐姓埋名多年的特工偶然披露出来的。This unusual disclosure was made recently by a retired CIA agent on condition of absolute anonymity.

因此,中产阶级里与你和我在一起的还有,隐姓埋名的百万富翁以及一些露宿街头的无家可归者。So here are the homeless ensconced in the middle class alongside you and me and the no-name millionaires.

在森林里,班度族计划13年的流亡,隐姓埋名,工作在另一个王国。In the forest, the Pandavas plan their 13th year of exile to live incognito and to work in another Kingdom.

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在他乡倍感寂寞的德鲁没有朋友可以倾诉,除了维修工韩先生一个隐姓埋名的功夫大师。In exile feeling lonely drew no friends can talk to, in addition to repair Mr Han a kungfu master of anonymity.

您可以打开一个链接在隐姓埋名窗口右键点击链接并且选择打开链接在隐姓埋名窗口。You can open a link in an incognito window by right-clicking the link and selecting Open link in incognito window.

郑坤曾以为主任葬身新加坡,却没想到他为得到国外的资金援助,隐姓埋名去了美国。Zheng Kunceng thought the director died in Singapore, but didnt expect him to get foreign aid, anonymity to the United States.

这个原名凤姐,在纽约隐姓埋名的女人,假如她在国际,走在街上,会被群嘲一路。While anonymous in New York, Feng Luoyu, 26, wouldn't be able to walk down the street in her native country without people jeering.

某种意义上,奥威尔是一个隐姓埋名的打探者,是一个融入当地环境并更好更自然地观察所研究对象行为的人类学家。Orwell is, in a sense, an undercover agent, an anthropologist who has gone native to better observe his subjects in their natural habitat.

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由于路德拒绝撤销他的改革著作,他被罗马皇帝宣布为有罪之后,在这个城堡里隐姓埋名地生活过将近一年。Luther lived incognito at the castle for nearly a year after he was declared an outlaw by the Roman emperor for refusing to recant his Reformation writings.

使用这款产品首先必须已经成为该公司的“忠诚计划”的成员,汉莎航空公司表示,它已增加了对那些喜欢“隐姓埋名”有隐私需要的乘客提供隐私保护。Users must already be members of the airlines’ loyalty program, and Lufthansa said it had added privacy controls for those who preferred to travel incognito.

据报道,他信隐姓埋名在德国生活了一年多,并曾使用过从其他一些国家非法获得的护照。Thaksin reportedly lived under a false name in Germany for more than a year and has used illegally received passports from a number of other countries as well.