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在线循环礼物和认捐并未包括在数据分析中。Online recurring gifts and pledges are not included in the data analysis.

潘基文还将参加一次联合国和东盟联合举办的救助强热带风暴灾民认捐大会。The U.N. chief will also attend a joint U.N.-ASEAN donors conference for the cyclone victims.

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认捐表格现可于张祝珊师生康乐中心G06室学生会办公室索取。Donation forms are available at the Student Union Office at G06, Cheung Chuk Shan Amenities Centre.

潘基文将于周日返回仰光,并在那停留一天参加国际认捐大会。On Sunday, Mr. Ban will return to Rangon, where the international donors conference will take place.

下星期天,潘基文将返回仰光,并在那里停留一天,而国际认捐大会也将在下星期天召开。On Sunday, Mr. Ban will return to Rangon for the day, where the international donors conference will take place.

我们还向抗击艾滋病、结核病和疟疾全球基金作出了史无前例的数年认捐。We have also made an unprecedented multi-year pledge to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

委员会可不时代表受托人征求和接受对基金的认捐及遗赠。The committee may, from time to time, solicit and take on behalf of the trustee subscriptions and bequests to the fund.

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捐助者应该加速向各国支付资助款项,增加它们的认捐并承诺长期可预测的资助。Donors should accelerate funding disbursements to countries, increase their commitments, and pledge long-term, predictable funding.

在伦敦举行的认捐大会的资金主要来自政府和私人捐助者,其中包括计算机亿万富翁比尔-盖茨。The money pledged at a conference in London comes from governments and private donors, among them the computer billionaire Bill Gates.

我对布什总统今天宣布的将增加认捐12亿美元对付疟疾问题的美利坚合众国的新行动表示欢迎。I welcome the new U.S. initiative pledging increased investment of 1.2 billion dollars to tackle malaria announced today by President Bush.

“爱心衣橱”开通官方微博,即日起,网友可在这一平台上为贫困山区孩子认捐校服。"Love Wardrobe's" official Weibo said that netizens can pledge to donate uniforms to children from impoverished areas through this platform.

如果有更多热心的外国人士认捐巴西的森林保育基金,难保不会将砍伐森林的电锯规模逐渐削平。If Brazil gets more enthusiastic about foreigners subscribing to funds to save the forest, these might gradually tip the scales against the chainsaws.

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常争吵和无能的国民议会通过了一项决议一致通过全力支持认捐奥尔特加在尼加拉瓜遗产辩护。The normally quarrelsome and feckless National Assembly passed a unanimous resolution pledging full support for Ortega in defense of Nicaraguan patrimony.

发起认捐运动,支助受地震影响的青川地区特别贫困学员的膳食。以香港人认为十分廉宜的价钱,让每位灾民儿童获得饱餐。A subscription plan has been initiated whereby a donor in HK can use a nominal fee to support those quake children of the Qing Chuan to have reasonable meals.

国务院发言人儸伯特•伍德告诉记者,她将在红海胜地国际认捐会上,宣布这项捐助。State Department spokesman Robert A. Wood told reporters that she would announce the donations at an international pledging conference at this Red Sea resort.

去参与竞赛或其他有益的活动,他解释,每个人都应该要有一个电子邮件信箱,那些不能公开给他的没有帐号的人,在其他的方式去被认捐。To participate in contests or in other rewarding activities, he explained, one had to have ane-mail account, or to subscribe in other ways that were not open to him.

赖斯说,美国的认捐额增加了对巴勒斯坦援助的总额,美国援款的增加将与法耶兹计划中提出的具体经济发展和安全目标挂勾。The U.S. contribution represents an increase in assistance that will be linked to specific economic development and security goals outlined in Fayyad’s plan, Rice said.

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潘先生将在缅甸停留到周五,然后前往相邻的泰国进行双边会晤,之后参加周日在那由联合国和东盟共同组织的国际认捐大会。Mr. Ban will remain in Burma until Friday, when he will travel to neighboring Thailand for bi-lateral meetings ahead of Sunday's joint U.N.-ASEAN International Pledging Conference.

潘先生将在缅甸停留到周五,然后前往相邻的泰国进行双边会晤,之后参加周日在那由联合国和东盟共同组织的国际认捐大会。Mr. Ban will remain in Burma until Friday, when he will travel to neighboring Thailand for bi-lateral meetings ahead of Sunday's joint U.N.-ASEAN International Pledging Conference.

潘基文将在星期五离开缅甸,前往邻国泰国,参加双边会谈,然后在下星期天参加联合国和东盟共同举行的国际认捐大会。Mr. Ban will remain in Burma until Friday, when he will travel to neighboring Thailand for bi-lateral meetings ahead of Sunday's joint U. N. -ASEAN International Pledging Conference.