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我也没有群,我是个弃儿,我们现在是在大山风之顶飞行。I am Outcast. And we fly now at the peak of the Great Mountain Wind.

“你无法对抗死亡,”释德建说,他的声音刺破了呼呼作响的山风。"You cannot defeat death, " he says, his voice rising over the wind.

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山风一夜间刮走了足足三英寸厚的积雪。The mountain wind took off as much as three inches of snow overnight.

山风呼啸,他那厚重的羊毛披肩往身后急速的摆荡。A weather front is blowing in, and his thick wool cape flutters behind him.

修竹万竿松影乱,山风吹作满窗云。Gansong yingluan million Xiuzhu, mountain breeze blowing as full window cloud.

崀山风景区的造景地貌是丹霞地貌。Langshan landscape area is a new discovered famous scenic area in Hunan Province.

圣洁的百合花轻轻摇曳在山风中,是少女美的情怀。Sacred lilies waving slightly in the wind, they represent young girls' feelings of beauty.

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山风送爽,谷长景深,流水潺潺,这里是济南的“天然氧吧”。This is the "natural oxygen bar" in Jinan with its light breeze, long valley, and rippling waters.

人走在上面不敢斜视,山风袭来,更让人心惊肉跳。A person walking on it dare not look sideways, and a gust of wind would make him tremble with fear.

西部艾伯塔省受山区和享有的冬天落山风吹袭下所带来的气候温和。Western Alberta is protected the mountains and enjoys the mild temperatures brought by winter chinook winds.

4月24日,崀山风景区举行了隆重的晋升国家4A级景区挂牌庆典。On April 24, the conferring ceremony ofLangshan "National 4A-Level Scenic Area" was grandly held in Changsha.

这种设计可令旋转平面倾斜,所以不受立杆阻碍,可以直面山风。This allows the rotor plane to be tilted so that it faces directly into winds blowing up the hill without snagging on the pole.

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然后他醒了过来,感到僵直的肌肉生疼,从窗口吹进的山风刮得好冷。Then he awoke, in pain from his stiffened muscles and chilled by the mountain wind that had begun to blow in through the window.

深夜2点钟,风刮了起来,开始从边上朝我们打来,冷冷的山风吹过我们的脸,更别提雨水了。By 2 am, the wind kicked up and started pelting us from the side, blowing cold mountain air across us, not to mention some precipitation.

毫无预警之下,释德建就跳到与悬崖唇齿相依的低墙之上,山风鼓起了他的披肩,直吹入虚空。Without warning he jumps up onto the low wall bordering the lip of the cliff, the wind filling his cape so that it flows out over the void.

并对区内的妙峰山风景区和中国历史文化名村琉璃渠村的遗产保护与旅游开发进行了重点剖析。More analyses have been done for the heritage protection and tourism development between Miaofengshan scenic areas and Liuliqu the historic and cultural village.

当天上的云行过山头,而遇到强劲的山风时,它何曾想到有意露出裙边巾角以供我们赏玩?Can clouds, which sail forth from the hill-tops and meet the lashing of furious mountain winds, have time to think of their petticoats and scarves for us to look at?

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基地位于太姥山风景区内,无工业污染及远离主要交通干道,生态环境优良,空气、水质均属优质。The base is located within the Taimushan scenic area, without industrial pollution, and away from main roads, with good ecological environment, and high quality air and water.

通过对金紫山风场的规划设计,使金紫山风能资源能够合理的利用,为社会创造价值。Purple mountain breeze through the gold market planning and design, so that the mountain tops, purple gold can be a reasonable use of energy resources, and create value for society.

这是在,满楼暑气与闷热,被山风吹淡,随之而来的滂沱暴雨,被闪电和雷声驱赶过来,狂啸天际的倾盆大雨。It is the torrential rain after the sultry summer heat in the house is blown away by mountain wind, or the heavy downpour violently roaring over the sky, driven by flash and thunder.