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尤其是在探知人的心理方面,会有各种各样的方法。in how to reach people and more numerous ways, so.

黑色的花蜜无法用来探知也无法作为法术材料。Black nectar cannot be used for scrying or as a power component.

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哈姆雷特决定装疯,以探知事情真相。Hamlet decides to pretend that he is crazy to learn if this is true.

然而这未必属实,我们要学的还有很多,尤其是对海底的探知。We have a lot to learn and, particularly, a lot to learn in the ocean's depths.

我一直在竭尽所能地探知怎样才能为大家提供更好的机会以实现你们的梦想。And I have tried as hard as I knew how to give you a better chance to live yours.

猫头鹰的双眼只能识得夜间景物,在白昼中是眼盲的,因此他无法探知光的奥秘。The owl whose night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light.

猫头鹰的双眼只能识得夜间景物,在白昼中是眼盲的,因此他无法探知光的奥秘。The owl whose night- bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light.

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如果你想玩得开心如果你想探知你的另外一面,那么“亲密"是一个不错的选择。“Closer” is the track to go with if you just want to have fun and explore your other side.

由本研究可以探知产销班发展必须凝聚共识,共同订定努力之目标。This study reveals that to develop a production-marketing team requires a collective sense.

由二零零七年八月起,文物探知馆亦在馆内提供无线上网设施,让市民免费使用。Starting from August 2007, the Centre also provides free Wi-Fi Internet access service to the general public.

贾大力为了探知究竟,意外的潜入进了日军假扮的乞丐队伍当中。Jia vigorously in order to ascertain whether, unexpected infiltrated into the Japanese masquerading as a beggar.

苏联政府同样隐瞒了发射台所在地,这简直就是愚蠢的行为因为西方早已探知究竟。Soviet officials also lied about the launch pad's location, a foolish attempt to conceal what the West already knew.

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经刘长运检查,确实如此,因此在他心中有了急切探知班长“神机妙算”的愿望。By the Ways and inspection, it does, so he came up with the squad leader pressing Discovery "God Machine Miaosuan" wishes.

恐惧的识别可能会特别利用杏仁核,而对厌恶的探知则将依赖于脑岛和基底核。Recognition of fear may draw especially on the amygdala and the detection of disgust may rely on the insula and basal ganglia.

由于长颈鹿的死亡,当地一些报纸也在前几个版面对于动物园没有探知长颈鹿的病情进行了批评。The giraffe's death made the front-pages of some local newspapers, which also criticised the zoo for failing to detect its illness.

越西鸿探知宝典实际在傲天行手中,遂命徒儿们刺杀傲天行,夺取宝典。The west hon discovery baodianpian actual proud days did in the hand, hence the life ACTS son assassination took pride days do, jewel.

具有讽刺意味的是,很多这些发现都是通过简单的计算机游戏作为工具来探知人们是如何在特定的环境下学习和作出行为的。Ironically, many of these discoveries used simple computer games as tools to explore how people learn and act under different conditions.

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在公元前212年,罗马人探知,叙拉古城内打算为神明举办盛大宴会。In 212 BC, the Romans received information that the city's inhabitants were to participate in the annual festival to their goddess Artemis.

该算法通过发送轻量级的探测报文来探知当前网络状态,进而调整数据发送速率,以达到充分利用带宽资源的目的。DTCA dynamically sends light-weight packets to detect the state of the network, and adjusts the sending rate to approach the available bandwidth.

采用GIS,空间分析及空间统计学探知多模式交通系统的时空结构。How to use GIS, spatial analysis and spatial statistics to ascertain the spatial and temporal patterns of the multi-modal transportation systems?