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展览者说。Exhibitor said.

2010年的展览上有些新东西。We have some news for 2010.

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中国是国际展览局的成员国。China is a BIE member state.

对于策展人,展览的目的究竟是什么?What do you aim at, curators?

在北京展览馆展览。It's at Beijing Exhibition Hall.

这就是展览的聚焦点么?Is this what the show focuses on?

许多鱼化石展览在那里。Many fish fossils were exhibited.

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我会抽空去参观世博机械人展览。Intelligent Robots, It's come true.

清影团队祝栋帆展览成功!Wish the exhibition a great success!

现在展览场里有什么促销活动?Any promotions at the exhibition now?

她也住在展览路吗?Does she live in Zhan Lan Road , too?

1959年每日邮报理想家园展览的海报Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition Poster

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去工场或展览的成本更高。More costly to get to workshops and shows

这次展览会吸引了23万多观众。The exhibition drew over 230000 visitors.

蔡国强的展览意味着什么?。What Does Cai Guoqiang's Exhibition Mean?

放下一切虚假、展览、表现。Drop all falsities, exhibitions, displays.

展览开幕怎麽会会嫌人太多呢…No such thing as "too many" at an opening.

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第二种是制作性的展览。The second kind is creationary exhibition.

今年的展览精选15名最丑狗代表。This year's show featured 15 participants.

这是一个新展览的开幕之夜。It's the opening night of a new exhibition.