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这其中有许多门道。Many useful studies up on this.

张先生赚钱总是很有门道。Helen always has the means of study.

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门道里站着一个拿枪的人。In the doorway stood a man with a gun.

岩石浮雕及古老的门道。Carved bas-relief and ancient doorways.

通往你的神性自我有许多门道。There are many doorways to your Divine Self.

适合大多数标准尺寸的门道32“至34”。Fits most standard-sized doorways 32" to 34".

要是我早些做起,我就能学会门道了。If I had begun earlier, I could have learned how.

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但是我开始悟出一些门道。I lost again, but I began to figure a few things out.

房间的后面有个用模板隔开的门道。At the back of the room there is a boarded up doorway.

巴比伦的意思就是上帝的门道。Babylon means the city that is the gateway of the god.

人们常将它挂在门道以表示友谊。It was often hung in doorways as a sign of friendship.

他只得把头低下才能通过那低矮的门道。He had to duck his head to get through the low doorway.

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大街上的门道和门洞是个更好的选择。Doorways and alcoves on street level are a better option.

这个测试,可用“爱门道夫”撕裂度测试机进行。An "Elmendorf" tearing tester may be use for this purpose.

从现阶段的粮食战争中就可以瞧出些门道!Food from the war at this stage can Qiaochu some doorway !

买了个破口琴几年了,断断续续的瞎吹,就是找不着门道。Have bought a harmonica for some years, I can not play it.

我们只得把钢琴竖起来抬过了门道。We had to set the piano on end to get it through the doorway.

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外行看热闹,内行看门道。Dilettante watch the scene of bustle, adept guard the entrance.

曾经进了房间却忘了进那房间是为什么?那就怪门道吧!Ever Enter a Room & Forget Why You Went There? Blame The Doorway.

玻璃桌子太宽,我们无法把它抬过门道。The glass table is too wide, we can't carry in through the doorway.