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她在宫廷中失宠。She was disgraced at court.

我做了君之的宫廷核桃酥。I made Junzhi's walnut cookies.

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英国的宫廷在伦敦。The British court is in London.

现在宫廷剧很流行呢!Royal opera is very popular now!

宫廷礼服,为我们的宴会准备。Court clothes, for all our party.

一天有两个人到宫廷里来。One day two men came to the court.

宫廷政治也起了一定的作用。Palace politics also plays a role.

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我正式上宫廷朝见女王。I go in state to court meet the queen.

宫廷对凯撒有什么看法?What does the palace think of Caesar ?

凡尔赛宫廷中奢华的生活。The brilliant court life at Versailles.

有许多诸如波茨坦宫殿这样的宫廷建筑It's got Potsdam Palace and all of this.

茅屋到宫廷,处处有爱情。Love lives in cottage as well as in court.

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有一天,两个无赖出现在宫廷之上。One day two rascals appeared at the court.

茯苓饼是一种宫廷点心。Tuckahoe Pie was originally a palace snack.

她的武士和淑女们-她的宫廷在那里。Her knights and daises---her court is there.

据说他曾在宫廷中任职多年。He was said to have served at court for years.

宫廷的奢华生活使她变得萎靡不振。She was enervated by the luxury of palace life.

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这是北京老茶馆里上演的一段表演,清朝宫廷舞。This is a performance in a teahouse of Beijing.

他们还在宫廷中得到了优厚的职分。And they got some of the top jobs in the palace.

趋奉宫廷,词多应制之作。Fawn court, should the system of multi-word for.