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风雨飘摇中的川剧事业似乎后继有人。The tottering cause of Sichuan Opera seems to have successors.

这么小就来参会,大数据后继有人啦!So small to the participants, big data have qualified successors!

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要后继有人,这是对教育部门提出的问题。Education departments are required to provide successors in the field of scientific research.

为了党的事业能够后继有人,必须把培养学生的政治方向提到党的建设的高度。We must raise the fostering of students political orientation to the level of the Party construction.

党的十二大充分表明我们党兴旺发达,后继有人。The 12th Party congress fully demonstrates that our Party is flourishing and has no lack of successors.

党的十六大充分表明我们党兴旺发达,后继有人。The 16th Party Congress fully demonstrates that our Party is flourishing and has no lack of successors.

党的十六大充分表明我们党兴旺发达,后继有人。The 16th Party congress fully demonstrates that our Patty is flourishing and has no lack of successors.

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党的十七大充分表明我们党兴旺发达,后继有人。The 17th Party Congress fully demonstrates that our Party is flourishing and has no lack of successors.

为进一步传承剪纸艺术,我国政府家还指定了专门的传承人,以确保这项艺术后继有人。The Chinese government has also designated successors to preserve and carry forward this traditional art.

书法基础教育,是关系到书法后继有人,书法事业可持续发展和繁荣的重大问题。Calligraphy basic teaching is mostly concerned with the sustainable development and flourishing of the calligraphy cause.

年仅廿五岁的八十后导演长片首作,迅即脱颖而出代表瑞典角逐来年奥斯卡最佳外语片殊荣,北欧电影大国后继有人也。This debut feature of a 25-year-old director is selected as the Swedish Canadiate for the OSCAR Best Foreign Language Film Catergory.

任弼时是从党的事业后继有人和国家民族兴旺发达的战略高度去提出和思考青年工作问题的。Ren Bishi proposed and thought the problem of youth work from the strategic angle of qualified successors in the CPC and national prosperity.

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我认为下一届政府的任务之一是保证这类提供服务的行动在未来的岁月中继续扩大,后继有人。I believe one of the tasks of the next Administration is to ensure that this movement towards service grows and sustains itself in the years to come.

中国代表队总共获得了12枚金牌22枚奖牌,这样的好成绩是前所未有的,标志着我国在射击事业上后继有人。Chinese team won a total of 12 gold medals 22, so that the good results is unprecedented and indicates that China's successors in the cause of the fire.

史塔森很快就发现是韩娜席密谋杀死他的太太,并栽赃给他,使他被送到终结岛,好让科学怪人「后继有人」。He soon figures out that Hennessey had his wife killed, then framed him for it, just so she could bring him to Terminal Island and keep Frankenstein going.

必须不断培养和造就中国特色社会主义事业的接班人,确保党和人民的事业后继有人。We should train more and more successors to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics so that the cause of the Party and people will be carried forward.

变着戏法来弄孩子的钱比特大贪污还可恶,因为孩子们能否顺利成长成才关系到整过中华民族是否后继有人!Changing the tricks to get kids more money than big corruption is also abhorrent, because the children related to the smooth growth and success of the entire Chinese nation is worthy successors!

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要加强研究,按专业化思路做好干部分流,健全和完善激励机制、拓宽培养渠道,加大后备干部工作力度,促进干部合理流动,使油气行业后继有人、不断发展。Cadre assignment, encouraging mechanism and fostering channel should be well done according to specialities. Resonable mobile of cadres should be improved to make oil-gas professions have successors.